[Adapt] [Seminar] Knowledge Enriched Transformer for Understanding Multimodal Humor

黄洁仪 xsiling at sjtu.edu.cn
Wed Mar 2 06:07:45 CST 2022

Hi Adapters,

Humor is fortune of human. Have you ever thought about, with different types and rich connotation for humor, how machines understand humor and punchlines which appears in multiple modalities? The task is relatively hard for the background context and external commonsense knowledge in a punchline. This week, I'll give a talk about a transformer-based model for understanding humor, which is from "Knowledge Enriched Transformer for Understanding Multimodal Humor", AAAI-2021. The model effectively learn the representation of a punchline and reaches SOTA.

It's an interesting topic, hope you like this talk.

Time: Wed 4:00pm
Venue: SEIEE 3-414
Best Wish,

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