[Adapt] Seminar

王绪凯 wangxukai at sjtu.edu.cn
Wed Mar 30 14:05:31 CST 2022

Hi Adapters,
    This weak, I will continue my talk about methods to improve name entity recognition with distantly labeled data. Distantly labeled data have some disadvantage comparing to the human annotated ground truth data: Incomplete annotation and noisy annotation. Those disadvantages can reduce the recall and cause misprediction. 
    Last seminar I have introduced two papers focusing on this task. This seminar I will introduce another paper accepted by EMNLP-2021 named “Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust Learning and Language Model Augmented Self-Training” They propose a noise robust learning scheme, consisting of a new loss function and a noisy label removal step. And they use language model augmented self-train to further improve the model generalization.
    Hope you are interested in my talk!

Time: Wed 4:00pm
Tencent meeting number: 294-121-929 
Best Wish,
Xukai Wang

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