photo.jpg      Dr. Hao Zhong
      Department of Computer Science and Engineering  

      Shanghai Jiao Tong University

I received my Ph.D degree from Peking University in 2009. My Ph.D dissertation was nominated for the distinguished Ph.D dissertation award of China Computer Federation. My PhD advisor is Prof. Hong Mei, and was co-advised by Prof. Lu Zhang and Prof. Tao Xie. After graduation, I joined Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences as an assistant professor, and was promoted as an associated professor in 2011. From 2012 to 2014, I was a visiting scholar with University of California, Davis, where I worked with Prof. Zhendong Su. In 2014, I joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I am a recipient of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, the best paper award of ASE, and the best paper award of APSEC.

Please submit your high-quality research papers to ICSE 2026, ASE 2025, and ICSME 2025.

Prospective Master and PhD Students: Please contact me, if you are a self-motivated student with strong programming skills and interested in software engineering and its related research topics.

Research Interests

My research interests include empirical software engineering, software maintenance, and mining software engineering data, with emphasis on the following themes:

A complete list is here.

Professional Activities and Service

I won several recognitions and awards including the outstanding service award from ESEC/FSE 2022, the best reviewer award from SANER 2022 , a reviewer recognition from EMSE, a reviewer award from JOS, and a reviewer award from JCST.

Chinese Version