[Adapt] ADAPT Group Seminars of Fall 2012

Kenny Zhu kzhu at cs.sjtu.edu.cn
Sun Sep 2 22:19:23 CST 2012

Dear ADAPTers,

I hope you all had a good summer break! School is restarted in a week. As an ADAPT tradition, all members of the ADAPT lab are REQUIRED to attend the one-hour weekly group seminar. In each seminar, one member of the group will give a 45-min presentation about one or more papers he or she has read, or a major update of his or her research progress. And then during the 15-min QA session, the rest of the group will ask questions and critique his/her presentation and help him/her improve. This is a good opportunity for us to learn to communicate in an academic/research setting like a real conference presentation. Every member is asked to take down notes while listening to the talk and give constructive suggestions or advises after the talk. As usual, the speaker for the coming seminar should send everybody (adapt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn) an abstract of his/her talk at least *a day* before the talk, and optionally include necessary materials (slides/papers).

In this coming semester, the group seminar will take place in the lab (SEIEE-03-524) at 4-5 PM on Wednesday. The first seminar is on Sept 12. Please mark your calendar!

I suggest that you take into consideration of the seminar time while you register for your courses. Please email me if the time is really bad for you or if there's serious conflicts.



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