[Adapt] [ADAPT ACT] Make Dumplings

Jack Sun jacksunwei at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 09:26:37 CST 2013

Hi, Adapters,

It comes the end of this term and it also comes the FIRST ADAPT-series
activity - *make dumplings*. It can be arranged at *either afternoon of
this weekend* (15th or 16th).

I know some of you might have many final-exams, so please *reply this EMAIL*to
*adapt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn* to indicate whether you will *come or not* and
your *preferred

BTW, *Zhiyuan*, *Youer*, *Jack*, *Jacky*, *Zheng*, *Kangqi *have ensured
attendance. I think more than 10 people will launch this activity.

It won't take much longer than a common dinner, so I encourage you to
participate in.


Thanks & Regards,

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