[Adapt] Two papers accepted by ICDE 2015!

alex_wang alex_wang at 126.com
Mon Oct 20 08:43:52 CST 2014

Awesome job, congratulations!



发件人:Kenny Zhu <kzhu at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>
发送时间:2014-10-18 15:03
主题:[Adapt] Two papers accepted by ICDE 2015!
收件人:"Adapt"<adapt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>

Dear ADAPTers, 

Papers, "False Rumor Detection on Sina Weibo by Propagation Structures” By Ke and Song, and "SAR: A Sentiment-Aspect-Region Model for User Preference Analysis in Geo-tagged Reviews” by Kaiqi, are accepted by ICDE 2015, the top database and engineering conference, which will be held in Korea next year. In particular, the rumor detection paper got a “Strong Accept (award quality)” by one of the reviewers! Congratulations to these ADAPTers! 

Kangqi, please put this on the website. 


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