[Adapt] 回复: Results of Fall Outing Survey

吕沛 421532821 at qq.com
Fri Oct 30 17:52:16 CST 2015

出来玩的群,大家加一下吧!------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Kenny Zhu"<kzhu at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>
发送时间: 2015年10月30日(星期五) 上午7:24
收件人: "'zhiyi Luo'"<jessieluo1991 at gmail.com>;"'adapt'"<adapt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>;
主题: Re: [Adapt] Results of Fall Outing Survey

Please also bring:


·       Enough clothing (could be cold in the mountains)

·       Some medication

·       Umbrella (or raincoat)

·       Poker or such games

·       Camera (and selfie sticks?)

·       Musical instrument (if you have the talentJ)


See you at 12:30 pm!




From: zhiyi Luo [mailto:jessieluo1991 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 11:15 PM
To: adapt
Cc: Kenny Zhu
Subject: Re: [Adapt] Results of Fall Outing Survey


Hi guys,


Some tips for our tomorrow traveling:


1. 请带好身份证及学生证

2. 晕车的同学请备好晕车药

3. 想一起走的同学,明天 12:30 在北一门集合。从 lab 出发的同学可以12:20在 lab 集合,Kenny会用车载大家到北一门 (最多载4人)。





2015-10-29 19:59 GMT+08:00 zhiyi Luo <jessieluo1991 at gmail.com>:



Just remind you guys that we'll take about 5 hours on the coach tomorrow, so bring some food and drinks.





2015-10-27 16:58 GMT+08:00 zhiyi Luo <jessieluo1991 at gmail.com>:

Hi guys,


We've already booked coach and hotel tickets for the traveling from Oct. 30th to Nov. 1st. 

13 people join us.


We will take the 2:35pm coach at "上海长途客运南站(石龙路666)" on Oct. 30th (this Friday). 


Please arrive there at least 15 mins earlier, i.e. arrive there before 2:20pm.

It takes more than 1 hour from school to "上海长途客运南站". Please arrange your time properly. 


Hope you all have fun!






2015-10-21 20:51 GMT+08:00 zhiyi Luo <jessieluo1991 at gmail.com>:

Hi guys,


We are planning to be Putuoshan next Friday afternoon, Oct. 30th, for our fall outing. I'm asking whether your time is ok. 


Please reply this email to tell us if you can join us at that time. If most people are fine, we'll then make a deal.





2015-09-27 21:08 GMT+08:00 Kenny Zhu <kzhu at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>:

We have received 17 valid questionnaires. Here are the people’s choices:



[1] Late Oct or early Nov.

[2] National Day holiday



[1] Huangshan

[2] Putuoshan

[3] Moganshan

[4] Survival game


As such, we will decide on a weekend in late Oct or early Nov. We will have to decide on either Huangshan or Putuo, whichever more suitable for a two day trip.


Thanks for the voting,




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