[Adapt] [Trac]Trac is now online on the ADAPT website

Frank Xu frankxu2004 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 22:53:19 CST 2016

Hi Adapters,

    I am happy to inform you that we have a Trac system available at

    For those who are not familiar with Trac, it is an enhanced wiki and
issue tracking system for software development projects. You can create
wiki pages, road maps, milestones as well as tickets for upcoming tasks or
defects or anything related to projects.
    The most useful function of the system however is that you can access
our SVN repository in a web interface and browse the source code. Also, the
Timeline View is useful for keeping an eye on the recent commits to SVN and
the changeset view (SVN diffs).

    Anyone with ADAPT SVN account may use their SVN login credentials to
log into the Trac. Come on guys and have a try! For any comments and
suggestions, please reply this email directly to me. Thanks, and enjoy!

Best regards,
Frank Xu
Undergraduate Student
IEEE Honored Class
School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
800 Dongchuan Road,
Shanghai, China 200240
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