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Dr. Minyi Guo ( 过 敏意 ) IEEE Fellow Zhiyuan Chair Professor European Academy of Sciences Member ACM Distinguished Member |
Department of Computer Science and Engineering |
Tel: Fax: Office: Address: Email: |
(+86) 21 3420-4438 (+86) 21 3420-6609 Room 415, SEIEE Building 3 No. 800, Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China, 200240 guo-my'AT'cs.sjtu.edu.cn |
Research Interest
Parallel computing, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Parallelizing Compilers, Pervasive Computing, Green Computing
Education Background
Dr. Minyi Guo received the B.S. and M.E. degrees in Computer Science from Nanjing University, China in 1982 and 1986, respectively. From 1986 to 1994, he had been an assistant professor of the Department of Computer Science at Nanjing University. He received the Ph.D. degree in information science from University of Tsukuba, Japan in 1998.
Work Experience
From 2000 to 2009, Dr. Guo had been an assistant/associate/full professor of the school of computer science and engineering, University of Aizu, Japan. From 2009, he is a chair professor the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China, and was the department head from 2009 to 2019.
Awards and Honors
Best Paper Award
Best Paper Award
1 |
[ISCA 2024 Best Paper Nomination]
"Xiaofeng Hou, Tongqiao Xu, Chao Li, Cheng Xu, Jiacheng Liu, Yang Hu, Jieru Zhao, Jingwen Leng, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Minyi Guo. A Tale of Two Domains: Exploring Efficient Architecture Design for Truly Autonomous Things."
2 |
[IWQoS 2024 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award]
"Xiaofeng Hou, Peng Tang, Tongqiao Xu, Cheng Xu, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. CPM: A Cross-Layer Power Management Facility to Enable Highly-efficient Real-time AIoT Systems."
3 |
[ICCD 2024 Best Paper Candidate]
"Xinkai Wang, Chao Li, Lingyu Sun, Qizheng Lv, Xiaofeng Hou, Jingwen Leng and Minyi Guo. SHEEO: Continuous Energy Efficiency Optimization in Autonomous Embedded Systems."
4 |
[EURO-PAR 2023 Best Paper Nomination]
"Xiaofeng Hou, Jiacheng Liu, Xuehan Tang, Chao Li, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Li Li, Minyi Guo. MMExit: Enabling Fast and Efficient Multi-modal DNN Inference with Adaptive Network Exits"
5 |
[ICPE 2022 Best Paper Best Paper Runner-up]
"Chuanming Shao, Jinyang Guo, Pengyu Wang, Jing Wang, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. Oversubscribing GPU Unified Virtual Memory: Implications and Suggestions"
6 |
[SC 2021 Best Reproducibility Advancement Finalist]
"Weihao Cui, Han Zhao, Quan Chen, Ningxin Zheng, Jingwen Leng, Jieru Zhao, Zhuo Song, Tao Ma, Yong Yang, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. Enable simultaneous DNN services based on deterministic operator overlap and precise latency prediction"
7 |
[IPDPS 2019 Featured Paper]
"Wenyi Zhao, Quan Chen, Hao Lin, Jianfeng Zhang, Jingwen Leng, Chao Li, Wenli Zheng, Li Li, Minyi Guo. Themis: Predicting and Reining in Application-level Slowdown on Spatial Multitasking GPUs."
8 |
[ICCD 2018 Best Paper Award]
"Xiaofeng Hou, Luoyao Hao, Chao Li, Quan Chen, Wenli Zheng, Minyi Guo: Power Grab in Aggressively Provisioned Data Centers: What is the Risk and What Can Be Done About It."
9 |
[ISPA 2017 Best Paper Award]
"Yanchao Lu, Quan Chen, Yao Shen, Minyi Guo: Electro: Toward QoS-Aware Power Management for Latency-Critical Applications."
10 |
[ASPLOS 2017 Highlight Paper Award]
"Quan Chen, Hailong Yang, Minyi Guo, Ram Srivatsa Kannan, Jason Mars, Lingjia Tang: Prophet: Precise QoS Prediction on Non-Preemptive Accelerators to Improve Utilization in Warehouse-Scale Computers."
11 |
[UIC 2016 Best Paper Award]
"Yuanyi Chen, Minyi Guo, Jiaxing Shen, Jiannong Cao: A Graph-Based Method for Indoor Subarea Localization with Zero-Configuration."
Awards Obtained in China
Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award (the first class award), 2021
State Technological Invention Award (the second class award), 2019
Shanghai Technological Invention Award (the first class award), 2018
Ministry of Education Natural Science Award (the first class award), 2017
Recruitment Program of Global Experts, 2010
Excellent Academic Leaders of Shanghai, 2010
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2007
Awards Obtained in World
Huawei Olympus Award, 2024
Edward J. McCluskey Award, 2023
Grants and Funding
1 |
[ National Key Research and Development Program of China ]
“The data flow heterogeneous processor architecture and computing system”. Principal Investigator. 2023.03—2026.02.
2 |
[ National Natural Science Foundation of China ]
“Architecture and key technologies for efficient processing of big data”. Co-PI (PI at SJTU). 2019.01—2023.12.
3 |
[ National Natural Science Foundation of China ]
“Research on key technologies of distributed resource management based on blockchain”. Principal Investigator. 2019.01—2022.12.
4 |
[ 973 Project ]
“The Theory and Method of Ternary Space Collaborative Computing for Urban Big Data”. Principal Investigator. 2015.01—2019.08.
5 |
[ National Natural Science Foundation of China ]
"Parallel programming models and their runtime support on manycore platforms". Principal Investigator. 2013.01—2016.12.
6 |
[ National Natural Science Foundation of China ]
"Object search in cyber-phisical space". Principal Investigator. 2013.01—2016.12.
7 |
[ 863 Project ]
"Network operating system for supporting on-line e-business". Principal Investigator. 2011.01—2013.12.
8 |
[ National Natural Science Foundation of China ] "Distinguished Young Scholars Award". 2008.01—2011.12.
9 |
[ 863 Project ]
“High Performance and Low Power Compiler Optimization for Multi-core Architectures". Principal Investigator. 2009.01—2010.12.
10 |
[ National Natural Science Foundation of China ]
"Key program for Pervasive Computing". Principal Investigator. 2006.01—2009.12.
11 |
[ Distinguished Pu-Jiang Scholars Award ]
Principal Investigator. 2007.09—2009.12.
12 |
[ 985 project ]
Principal Investigator. 2007.10—2009.12.
13 |
[ Key 863 program for Adaptive Environment of Pervasive Computing ]
Minister of Science and Technology of China. Co-PI (PI at SJTU). 2007.01—2008.12.
14 |
Over $20M federal funding as principal investigator
Academic Activities
Keynote Speeches and Talks
Keynote Speeches and Talks
1 | Keynote Speech,“Key techniques and system of Cloud computing for load bursting service”, The 25th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2019), Tianjin, China, December 4, 2019
2 | Keynote Speech,“New Datacenter Architecture with Utilization and QoS for Big Data Processing”, The 15th Annual IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2018), Hokkaido, Japan, November 29,2018
3 | Keynote Speech,“Platform Development for Collaborative Computing with Urban Big data”, The 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2016) , Shanghai, China, December 6, 2016
4 | Keynote Speech,“Energy Efficient Data Access and Storage through HW/SW Co-design”, Proceedings of the 2014 SIGPLAN/SIGBED conference on Languages, compilers and tools for embedded systems (LCTES 2014) , Edinburgh, UK, June 12, 2014
5 | Keynote Speech, "Data Center Architecture and OS for Massively Data-Intensive Computing", The 11th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2013), Zhangjiajie, China, November 13, 2013.
6 | Keynote Speech, "Practice in Pervasive Computing at Mobile Internet Age", The 9th Chinese Conference on Harmonious Human Machine Environment (HHME 2013), Nanchang, China, September 28, 2013.
7 | Keynote Speech, "iCampus: A LOCATION & CONTEXT AWARENESS PERVASIVE ENVIRONMENT", The 6th international conference on multimedia and ubiquitous engineering (MUE 2012), Leganes, Madrid, China, July 11, 2013.
8 | Keynote Speech,
IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE 2011), Dalian, China, August, 2011. |
9 | Keynote Speech, Sino-German Workshop on Cloud-based High Performance Computing, Shanghai, China, September, 2011. |
10 | Keynote Speech, China-USA Computer Software Workshop, Beijing, China, September, 2011. |
11 | Keynote Speech, 2010 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP 2010), Dalian, China, December, 2010. |
12 | Keynote Speech, "Internet of Things in China" [PPT], Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA 2010), Changchun, China, September, 2010 |
13 | 2010 CCF, Conference on Future Computing, Changsha, China, June, 2010 |
Professional Services
1 |
Editor-in-chief, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (TSUSC) |
1 |
Editor, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC) |
2 |
Editor, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) |
3 |
Editor, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) |
4 |
Editor, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing(JPDC) |
5 |
Editor, Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) |
6 |
Member of IEEE Computer Society Fellows Evaluation Committee |
7 |
General Chair/Program Chair for 14 international conferences |
8 |
Department Head of Computer Science and Engineering (2009 – 2019) |
9 |
Member of Academic Committee of the University (2016 -- present) |
10 |
Graduated 30+ Ph.D. students and currently supervising 10 Ph.D. students |
Conference/Program Committee Chair
1 | General Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (IEEE SRDS 2020), Shanghai, China, 2020 |
2 | General Chair, IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2019), Sydney, Australia, 2019 |
3 | General Chair, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE 2016), Tianjin, China, 2016 |
4 | Program Chair, Research in Applied Computation Symposium (RACS'11), Florida, USA, 2011 |
5 | Steering Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA'11), Busan, Korea, 2011 |
6 | General Chair, International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN'11), Dalian, China, 2011 |
7 | Steering Co-Chair, International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST'10), Changchun, China, 2010 |
8 | Steering Committee, International Workshop on Intelligent, Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS'10), Krakow, Poland, 2010 |
9 | Steering Co-Chair, International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST'09), Shanghai, China, 2009 |
10 | General Chair, International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC'08), Shanghai, China, 2008 |
11 | Steering Chair, IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Trusted Computing and Communications(TrustCom 2008), Zhang Jiajie, China, 2008 |
DBLP link: Minyi Guo
1 |
Quan Chen, Minyi Guo: Task Scheduling for Multi-core and Parallel Architectures - Challenges, Solutions and Perspectives. Springer 2017, ISBN 978-981-10-6237-7.
2 |
Minyi Guo, Jingyu Zhou, Feilong Tang, Yao Shen: Pervasive Computing: Concepts, Technologies and Applications, CRC Press 2014-1.
3 |
Minyi Guo, Laurence T. Yang: High-Performance Computing: Paradigm and Infrastructure, United States, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2006-1.
4 |
Minyi Guo, Laurence T. Yang: Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, Japan, Springer 2003-7
Selected Conference Papers (Recent Five Years)
/ | [ HPCA 2025 ] Zihan Liu, Xinhao Luo, Junxian Guo, Wentao Ni, Yangjie Zhou, Yue Guan, Cong Guo, Weihao Cui, Yu Feng, Minyi Guo, Yuhao Zhu, Minjia Zhang, Jingwen Leng, Chen Jin. VQ-LLM: High-performance Code Generation for Vector Quantization Augmented LLM Inference. |
/ | [ HPCA 2025 ] Weiming Hu, Haoyan Zhang, Cong Guo, Yu Feng, Renyang Guan, Zhendong Hua, Zihan Liu, Yue Guan, Minyi Guo, Jingwen Leng. MANT: Efficient Low-bit Group Quantization for LLMs via Mathematically Adaptive Numerical Type. |
/ | [ SIGMOD 2025 ] Jixian Su, Chiyu Hao, Shixuan Sun, Hao Zhang, Sen Gao, Minyi Guo. Revisiting the Design of In-Memory Dynamic Graph Storage. |
/ | [ VLDB 2024 ] Junyi Mei, Shixuan Sun, Chao Li, Cheng Xu, Cheng Chen, Yibo Liu, Jing Wang, Cheng Zhao, Xiaofeng Hou, Minyi Guo, Bingsheng He, Xiaoliang Cong. FlowWalker: A Memory-efficient and High-performance GPU-based Dynamic Graph Random Walk Framework. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2024 ] Yushi Liu, Shixuan Sun, Zijun Li, Quan Chen, Sen Gao, Bingsheng He, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. FaaSGraph: Enabling Scalable, Efficient, and Cost-Effective Graph Processing with Serverless Computing. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2024 ] Zijun Li, Chuhao Xu, Quan Chen, Jieru Zhao, Chen Chen, Minyi Guo. DataFlower: Exploiting the Data-flow Paradigm for Serverless Workflow Orchestration. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2024 ] Yue Guan, Yuxian Qiu, Jingwen Leng, Fan Yang, Shuo Yu, Yunxin Liu, Yu Feng, Yuhao Zhu, Lidong Zhou, Yun Liang, Chen Zhang, Chao Li, and Minyi Guo. Amanda: Unified Instrumentation Framework for Deep Neural Networks. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2024 ] Zihan Liu, Wentao Ni, Jingwen Leng, Yu Feng, Cong Guo, Quan Chen, Chao Li, Minyi Guo, and Yuhao Zhu. JUNO: Optimizing High-Dimensional Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search with Sparsity-Aware Algorithm and Ray-Tracing Core Mapping. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2024 ] Yue Guan, Changming Yu, Yangjie Zhou, Jingwen Leng, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. Fractal: Joint Multi-Level Sparse Pattern Tuning of Accuracy and Performance for DNN Pruning. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2024 ] Chuhao Xu, Yiyu Liu, Zijun Li, Quan Chen, Han Zhao, Deze Zeng, Qian Peng, Xueqi Wu, Haifeng Zhao, Senbo Fu, Minyi Guo. FaaSMem: Improving Memory Efficiency of Serverless Computing with Memory Pool Architecture. |
/ | [ ISCA 2024 ] Xiaofeng Hou, Tongqiao Xu, Chao Li, Cheng Xu, Jiacheng Liu, Yang Hu, Jieru Zhao, Jingwen Leng, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Minyi Guo. A Tale of Two Domains: Exploring Efficient Architecture Design for Truly Autonomous Things. |
/ | [ ISCA 2024 ] Yu Feng, Zihan Liu, Jingwen Leng, Minyi Guo, Yuhao Zhu. Cicero: Addressing Algorithmic and Architectural Bottlenecks in Neural Rendering by Radiance Warping and Memory Optimizations. |
/ | [ HPCA 2024 ] Weichuang Zhang, Jieru Zhao, Guan Shen, Quan Chen, Chen Chen, Minyi Guo. An Optimizing Framework on MLIR for Efficient FPGA-based Accelerator Generation. |
/ | [ Eurosys 2024 ] Shulai Zhang, Quan Chen, Weihao Cui, Han Zhao, Chunyu Xue, Zhen Zheng, Wei Lin, Minyi Guo. Improving GPU Sharing Performance through Adaptive Bubbleless Spatial-Temporal Sharing. |
/ | [ SC 2024 ] Jing Wang, Hanzhang Yang, Chao Li, Yiming Zhuansun, Wang Yuan, Cheng Xu, Xiaofeng Hou, Minyi Guo, Yang Hu, Yaqian Zhao. Boosting Data Center Performance via Intelligently Managed Multi-backend Disaggregated Memory. |
/ | [ ICME 2024 ] Yifei Pu, Chi Wang, Xiaofeng Hou, Cheng Xu, Jiacheng Liu, Jing Wang, Minyi Guo, Chao Li. M2SN: Adaptive and Dynamic Multi-modal Shortcut Network Architecture for Latency-aware Applications. |
/ | [ NeurIPS 2024 ] Yunsong Zhou, Michael Simon, Zhenghao Peng, Sicheng Mo, Hongzi Zhu, Minyi Guo, Bolei Zhou. SimGen: Simulator-conditioned Driving Scene Generation. |
/ | [ CVPR 2024 ] Quan Liu, Hongzi Zhu, Zhenxi Wang, Yunsong Zhou, Shan Chang, Minyi Guo. Extend Your Own Correspondences: Unsupervised Distant Point Cloud Registration by Progressive Distance Extension. |
/ | [ ICPP 2024 ] Liang Zhang, Hongzi Zhu, Yunzhe Li, Jiangang Shen, Minyi Guo. The Blind and the Elephant: Edge Video Analytics Scheduling for Unknown Multi-objective System Preference. |
/ | [ ECCV 2024 ] Yunsong Zhou, Linyan Huang, Qingwen Bu, Jia Zeng, Tianyu Li, Hang Qiu, Hongzi Zhu, Minyi Guo, Yu Qiao & Hongyang Li . Embodied Understanding of Driving Scenarios. |
/ | [ ICCD 2024 ] Mingzhe Gao, Jieru Zhao, Zhe Lin, Wenchao Ding, Xiaofeng Hou, Yu Feng, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. AutoVCoder: A Systematic Framework for Automated Verilog Code Generation using LLMs. |
/ | [ ICCD 2024 ] Xinkai Wang, Chao Li, Lingyu Sun, Qizheng Lv, Xiaofeng Hou, Jingwen Leng and Minyi Guo. SHEEO: Continuous Energy Efficiency Optimization in Autonomous Embedded Systems. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2024 ] Taolei Wang, Chao Li, Jing Wang, Cheng Xu, Xiaofeng Hou, Minyi Guo. CoCG: Fine-grained Cloud Game Co-location on Heterogeneous Platform. |
/ | [ IWQoS 2024 ] Xiaofeng Hou, Peng Tang, Tongqiao Xu, Cheng Xu, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. CPM: A Cross-Layer Power Management Facility to Enable Highly-efficient Real-time AIoT Systems. |
/ | [ ISCA 2023 ] Xiaofeng Hou, Jiacheng Liu, Xuehan Tang, Chao Li, Jia Chen, Luhong Liang, Kwang-Ting Cheng, and Minyi Guo. Architecting Efficient Multi-modal AIoT Systems. |
/ | [ ISCA 2023 ] Cong Guo, Jiaming Tang, Weiming Hu, Jingwen Leng, Chen Zhang, Fan Yang, Yunxin Liu, Minyi Guo, and Yuhao Zhu. OliVe: Accelerating Large Language Models via Hardware-friendly Outlier-Victim Pair Quantization. |
/ | [ SC 2023 ] Kaihua Fu, Quan Chen, Yuzhuo Yang, Jiuchen Shi, Chao Li, and Minyi Guo. BLAD: Adaptive Load Balanced Scheduling and Operator Overlap Pipeline For Accelerating The Dynamic GNN Training. |
/ | [ ATC 2023 ] Jiuchen Shi, Hang Zhang, Zhixin Tong, Quan Chen, Kaihua Fu, and Minyi Guo. Nodens: Enabling Resource Efficient and Fast QoS Recovery of Dynamic Microservice Applications in Datacenters. |
/ | [ OSDI 2023 ] Weihao Cui, Zhenhua Han, Lingji Ouyang, Yichuan Wang, Ningxin Zheng, Lingxiao Ma, Yuqing Yang, Fan Yang, Jilong Xue, Lili Qiu, Lidong Zhou, Quan Chen, Haisheng Tan, Minyi Guo. Optimizing Dynamic Neural Networks with Brainstorm. |
/ | [ ICCV 2023 ] Quan Liu, Hongzi Zhu, Yunsong Zhou, Hongyang Li, Shan Chang, Minyi Guo. Density-invariant Features for Distant Point Cloud Registration. |
/ | [ IJCAI 2023 ] Quan Liu, Yunsong Zhou, Hongzi Zhu, Shan Chang, and Minyi Guo. APR: Online Distant Point Cloud Registration through Aggregated Point Cloud Reconstruction. |
/ | [ CVPR 2023 ] Yunsong Zhou, Hongzi Zhu, Quan Liu, Shan Chang, Minyi Guo. MonoATT: Online Monocular 3D Object Detection with Adaptive Token Transformer. |
/ | [ RTSS 2023 ] Xiaofeng Hou, Peng Tang, Chao Li, Jiacheng Liu, Cheng Xu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Minyi Guo. SMG: A System-Level Modality Gating Facility for Fast and Energy-Efficient Multimodal Computing. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2023 ] Yangjie Zhou, Jingwen Leng, Yaoxu Song, Shuwen Lu, Mian Wang, Chao Li, Minyi Guo, Wenting Shen, Yong Li, Wei Lin, Xiangwen Liu, and Hanqing Wu. uGrapher: High-performance Graph Operator Computationvia Unified Abstraction for Graph Neural Networks. |
/ | [ DAC 2023 ] Guan Shen, Jieru Zhao, Zeke Wang, Zhe Lin, Wenchao Ding, Chentao Wu, Quan Chen, Minyi Guo. MARS: Exploiting Multi-Level Parallelism for DNN Workloads on Adaptive Multi-Accelerator System. |
/ | [ SoCC 2023 ] Binghao Chen, Han Zhao, Weihao Cui, Yifu He, Shulai Zhang, Quan Chen, Zijun Li, and Minyi Guo. Maximizing the Utilization of GPUs Used by Cloud Gaming through Adaptive Co-location with Combo. |
/ | [ ICS 2023 ] Pu Pang, Yaoxuan Li, Bo Liu, Quan Chen, Zhou Yu, Zhibin Yu, Deze Zeng, Jingwen Leng, Jieru Zhao, and Minyi Guo. PAC: Preference-Aware Co-location Scheduling on Heterogeneous NUMA Architectures To Improve Resource Utilization. |
/ | [ Euro-Par 2023 ] Xiaofeng Hou, Jiacheng Liu, Xuehan Tang, Chao Li, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Li Li, Minyi Guo. MMExit: Enabling Fast and Efficient Multi-modal DNN Inference with Adaptive Network Exits. |
/ | [ DATE 2024 ] Mingzhe Gao, Jieru Zhao, Zhe Lin, Minyi Guo. Hierarchical Source-to-Post-Route QoR Prediction in High-Level Synthesis with GNNs. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference . |
/ | [ ATC 2022 ] Weihao Cui, Han Zhao, Quan Chen, Hao Wei, Zirui Li, Deze Zeng, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. DVABatch: Diversity-aware Multi-Entry Multi-Exit Batching for Efficient Processing of DNN Services on GPUs. |
/ | [ ATC 2022 ] Wei Zhang, Binghao Chen, Zhenhua Han, Quan Chen, Peng Cheng, Fan Yang, Ran Shu, Yuqing Yang, Minyi Guo. PilotFish: Harvesting Free Cycles of Cloud Gaming with Deep Learning Training. |
/ | [ ATC 2022 ] Zijun Li, Jiagan Cheng, Quan Chen, Eryu Guan, Zizheng Bian, Yi Tao, Bin Zha, QiangWang, Weidong Han, Minyi Guo. RunD: A Lightweight Secure Container Runtime for High-density Deployment and High-concurrency Startup in Serverless Computing. |
/ | [ ATC 2022 ] Zijun Li, Linsong Guo, Quan Chen, Jiagan Cheng, Chuhao Xu, Deze Zeng, Zhuo Song, Tao Ma, Yong Yang, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. Help Rather Than Recycle: Alleviating Cold Startup in Serverless Computing Through Inter-Function Container Sharing. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2022 ] Zijun Li, Yushi Liu, Lingsong Guo, Quan Chen, Jiagan Cheng, Wenli Zheng, Minyi Guo. FaaSFlow: Enable Efficient Workflow Execution for Function-as-a-Service. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2022 ] Wei Zhang, Quan Chen, Kaihua Fu, Ningxin Zheng, Zhiyi Huang, Jingwen Leng, Minyi Guo. Astraea: Towards QoS-Aware and Resource-Efficient Multi-stage GPU Services. |
/ | [ ASPLOS 2022 ] Zihan Liu, Jingwen Leng, Zhihui Zhang, Quan Chen, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. VELTAIR: Towards High-Performance Multi-Tenant Deep Learning Services via Adaptive Compilation and Scheduling. |
/ | [ HPCA 2022 ] Han Zhao, Weihao Cui, Quan Chen, Youtao Zhang, Yanchao Lu, Chao Li, Jingwen Leng, Minyi Guo. Tacker: Tensor-CUDA Core Kernel Fusion for Improving the GPU Utilization while Ensuring QoS. |
/ | [ MICRO 2022 ] Cong Guo, Chen Zhang, Jingwen Leng, Zihan Liu, Fan Yang, Yunxin Liu, Minyi Guo. Yuhao Zhu. ANT: Exploiting Adaptive Numerical Data Type for Low-bit Deep Neural Network Quantization. |
/ | [ SC 2022 ] Kaihua Fu, Jiuchen Shi, Quan Chen, Wei Zhang, Ningxin Zheng, Deze Zeng, Minyi Guo. QoS-Aware Irregular Collaborative Inference for Improving Throughput of DNN Services. |
/ | [ DAC 2022 ] Guan Shen, Jieru Zhao, Quan Chen, Jingwen Leng, Chao Li and Minyi Guo. SALO: an Efficient Spatial Accelerator Enabling Hybrid Sparse Attention Mechanisms for Long Sequences. |
/ | [ ACL 2022 ] Yue Guan, Zhengyi Li, Jingwen Leng, Zhouhan Lin, Minyi Guo. Transkimmer: Transformer Learns to Layer-wise Skim. |
/ | [ AAAI 2022 ] Yue Guan, Zhengyi Li, Jingwen Leng, Zhouhan Lin, Minyi Guo. Yuhao Zhu, Block-skim: Efficient question answering for transformer. |
/ | [ NeurIPS 2022 ] Yunsong Zhou, Quan Liu, Hongzi Zhu, Yunzhe Li, Shan Chang, Minyi Guo. MoGDE: Boosting Mobile Monocular 3D Object Detection with Ground Depth Estimation.(spotlight paper) |
/ | [ IPDPS 2022 ] Haowei Huang, Pu Pang, Quan Chen, Jieru Zhao, Wenli Zheng, Minyi Guo. CSC: Collaborative System Configuration for I/O-Intensive Applications in Multi-Tenant Clouds. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2022 ] Jiuchen Shi, Kaihua Fu, Jiawen Wang, Quan Chen, Deze Zeng, Minyi Guo. QoS-awareness of Microservices with Excessive Loads via Inter-Datacenter Scheduling. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2022 ] Jing Wang, Chao Li, Taolei Wang, Lu Zhang, Pengyu Wang, Junyi Mei, Minyi Guo. Excavating the Potential of Graph Workload on RDMA-based Far Memory Architecture. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2022 ] Xinkai Wang, Chao Li, Lu Zhang, Xiaofeng Hou, Quan Chen, Minyi Guo. Exploring Efficient Microservice Level Parallelism. |
/ | [ ICCD 2022 ] Cong Guo, Yuxian Qiu, Jingwen Leng, Chen Zhang, Ying Cao, Quanlu Zhang, Yunxin Liu, Fan Yang, Minyi Guo. Nesting Forward Automatic Differentiation for Memory-Efficient Deep Neural Network Training. |
/ | [ ICCD 2022 ] Jing Wang, Chao Li, Junyi Mei, Hao He, Taolei Wang, Pengyu Wang, Lu Zhang, Minyi Guo. Hanqing Wu, Dongbai Chen, Xiangwen Liu. HyFarM: Task Orchestration on Hybrid Far Memory for High Performance Per Bit. |
/ | [ ICDCS 2022 ] Jiangang Shen, Hongzi Zhu, Yunxiang Cai, Bangzhao Zhai, Xudong Wang, Shan Chang, Haibin Cai, Minyi Guo. mmV2V: Combating One-hop Multicasting in Millimeter-wave Vehicular Networks. |
/ | [ SoCC 2022 ] Jiuchen Shi, Kaihua Fu, Quan Chen, Changpeng Yang, Pengfei Huang, Mosong Zhou, Jieru Zhao, Chen Chen, Minyi Guo. Characterizing and Orchestrating VM Reservation in Geo-distributed Clouds to Improve the Resource Efficiency. |
/ | [ ICS 2022 ] Shulai Zhang, Weihao Cui, Quan Chen, Yue Guan, Jingwen Leng, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. PAME: Precision-Aware Multi-Exit DNN Serving for Reducing Latencies of Batched Inferences. |
/ | [ SC 2021 ] Weihao Cui, Han Zhao, Quan Chen, Ningxin Zheng, Jingwen Leng, Jieru Zhao, Zhuo Song, Tao Ma, Yong Yang, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. Enable simultaneous DNN services based on deterministic operator overlap and precise latency prediction. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2021 ] Kaihua Fu, Wei Zhang, Quan Chen, Deze Zeng, Xin Peng, Wenli Zheng, Minyi Guo. QoS-Aware and Resource Efficient Microservice Deployment in Cloud-Edge Continuum. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2021 ] Qiming Zheng, Quan Chen, Kaihao Bai, Huifeng Guo, Yong Gao, Xiuqiang He, Minyi Guo. BiPS: Hotness-aware Bi-tier Parameter Synchronization for Recommendation Models. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2021 ] Xiaofeng Hou, Chao Li, Jiacheng Liu, Lu Zhang, Shaolei Ren, Jingwen Leng, Quan Chen, Minyi Guo. AlphaR: Learning-Powered Resource Management for Irregular, Dynamic Microservice Graph. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2021 ] Liang Zhang, Wenli Zheng, Chao Li, Yao Shen, Minyi Guo. AuTraScale: An Automated and Transfer Learning Solution for Streaming System Auto-Scaling. |
/ | [ PACT 2021 ] Pengyu Wang, Chao Li, Jing Wang, Taolei Wang, Lu Zhang, Jingwen Leng, Quan Chen, Minyi Guo. Skywalker: Efficient Alias-method-based Graph Sampling and Random Walk on GPUs. |
/ | [ ICCD 2021 ] Han Zhao, Weihao Cui, Quan Chen, Jieru Zhao, Jingwen Leng, Minyi Guo. Exploiting Intra-SM Parallelism in GPUs via Persistent and Elastic Blocks. |
/ | [ ICCD 2021 ] Wei Zhang, Kaihua Fu, Ningxin Zheng, Quan Chen, Chao Li, Wenli Zheng, Minyi Guo. CHARM: Collaborative Host and Accelerator Resource Management for GPU Datacenters. |
/ | [ ICPP 2021 ] Shulai Zhang, Zirui Li, Quan Chen, Wenli Zheng, Jingwen Leng, Minyi Guo. Dubhe: Towards Data Unbiasedness with Homomorphic Encryption in Federated Learning Client Selection. |
/ | [ SC 2020 ] Quan Chen, Shuai Xue, Shang Zhao, Shanpei Chen, Yihao Wu, Yu Xu, Zhuo Song, Tao Ma, Yong Yang, Minyi Guo. Alita: Comprehensive Performance Isolation through Bias Resource Management for Public Clouds. |
/ | [ SC 2020 ] Xiaofeng Hou, Chao Li, Jiacheng Liu, Lu Zhang, Yang Hu, and Minyi Guo. ANT-Man: Towards Agile Power Management in the Microservice Era. |
/ | [ SC 2020 ] Cong Guo, Bo Yang Hsueh, Jingwen Leng, Yuxian Qiu, Yue Guan, Zehuan Wang, Xiaoying Jia, Xipeng Li, Minyi Guo, and Yuhao Zhu, Accelerating Sparse DNN Models without Hardware-Support via Tile-Wise Sparsity. |
/ | [ HPCA 2020 ] Jingwen Leng, Alper Buyuktosunoglu, Ramon Bertran, Pradip Bose, Quan Chen, Minyi Guo, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Asymmetric Resilience: A System Architecture for Transient Error Recovery in Accelerator-Rich Processors. |
/ | [ MICRO 2020 ] Yiming Gan, Yuxian Qiu, Jingwen Leng, Minyi Guo, Yuhao Zhu, Ptolemy: Architecture Support for Robust Deep Learning. |
/ | [ ATC 2020 ] Shuai Xue, Shang Zhao, Quan Chen, Gang Deng, Zheng Liu, Jie Zhang, Zhuo Song, Tao Ma, Yong Yang, Yanbo Zhou, Keqiang Niu, Sijie Sun, Minyi Guo. Spool: Reliable Virtualized NVMe Storage Pool in Public Cloud Infrastructure. |
/ | [ DAC 2020 ] Cong Guo, Yangjie Zhou, Jingwen Leng, Yuhao Zhu, Zidong Du, Quan Chen, Chao Li, Bin Yao, Minyi Guo, Balancing Efficiency and Flexibility for DNN Acceleration via Temporal GPU-Systolic Array Integration. |
/ | [ COLING 2020 ] Yue Guan, Jingwen Leng, Chao Li, Quan Chen, Minyi Guo, How Far Does BERT Look At: Distance-based Clustering and Analysis of BERT’s Attention. |
/ | [ ICDCS 2020 ] Han Zhao, Weihao Cui, Quan Chen, Jingwen Leng, Kai Yu, Deze Zeng, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. CODA: Improving Resource Utilization by Slimming and Co-locating DNN and CPU Jobs. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2020 ] Liang Zhang, Wenli Zheng, Yao Shen, Chao Li, and Minyi Guo. AuTraScale: An Automated and Transfer Learning Solution for Streaming System Auto-Scaling. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2020 ] Zijun Li, Quan Chen, Shuai Xue, Tao Ma, Yong Yang, Zhuo Song, Minyi Guo. Amoeba: QoS-Awareness and Reduced Resource Usage of Microservices with Serverless Computing. |
/ | [ IPDPS 2020 ] Pu Pang, Quan Chen, Deze Zeng, Chao Li, Jingwen Leng, Wenli Zheng, Minyi Guo. Sturgeon: Preference-aware Co-location for Improving Utilization of Power Constrained Computers. |
/ | [ ICPP 2020 ] Wei Zhang, Ningxin Zheng, Quan Chen, Yong Yang, Zhuo Song, Tao Ma, Jingwen Leng, Minyi Guo. URSA: Precise Capacity Planning and Fair Scheduling based on Low-level Statistics for Public Clouds. |
/ | [ ICPP 2020 ] Xiaoqing Cai, Jiuchen Shi, Rui Yuan, Chang Liu, Wenli Zheng, Quan Chen, Chao Li, Jingwen Leng, and Minyi Guo. OVERSEE: Outsourcing Verification to Enable Resource Sharing in Edge Environment. |
Journal Papers (Recent Five Years)
/ | [ TC 2024 ] Han Zhao, Junxiao Deng, Weihao Cui, Quan Chen, Youtao Zhang, Deze Zeng, Minyi Guo. Adaptive Kernel Fusion for Improving the GPU Utilization while Ensuring QoS. |
/ | [ TC 2024 ] Xiaofeng Hou, Cheng Xu, Chao Li, Jiacheng Liu, Xuehan Tang, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Minyi Guo. Improving Efficiency in Multi-modal Autonomous Embedded Systems through Adaptive Gating. |
/ | [ TPDS 2024 ] Jiuchen Shi, Kaihua Fu, Jiawen Wang, Quan Chen, Deze Zeng, Minyi Guo. Adaptive QoS-aware Microservice Deployment with Excessive Loads via Intra-and Inter-Datacenter Scheduling. |
/ | [ TPDS 2024 ] Liang Zhang, Wenli Zheng, Kuangyu Zheng, Hongzi Zhu, Chao Li, Minyi Guo. Bayesian-Driven Automated Scaling in Stream Computing with Multiple QoS Targets. |
/ | [ TCAD 2024 ] Jieru Zhao, Guan Shen, Wenchao Ding, Quan Chen, Minyi Guo. Automatic Mapping of Heterogeneous DNN Models on Adaptive Multi-Accelerator Systems. |
/ | [ TCAD 2024 ] Jieru Zhao, Pai Zeng, Guan Shen, Quan Chen, Minyi Guo. Hardware-Software Co-Design Enabling Static and Dynamic Sparse Attention Mechanisms. |
/ | [ TACO 2024 ] Yu Feng, Weikai Lin, Zihan Liu, Jingwen Leng, Minyi Guo, Han Zhao, Xiaofeng Hou, Jieru Zhao, Yuhao Zhu. Potamoi: Accelerating Neural Rendering via a Unified Streaming Architecture. |
/ | [ TACO 2024 ] Lingyu Sun, Xiaofeng Hou, Chao Li, Jiacheng Liu, Xinkai Wang, Quan Chen, Minyi Guo. A2: Towards Accelerator Level Parallelism for Autonomous Micromobility Systems. |
/ | [ JPDC 2024 ] Lizeth Patricia Aguirre Sanchez, Yao Shen, Minyi Guo. DQS: A QoS-driven routing optimization approach inSDN using deep reinforcement learning. |
/ | [ TC 2023 ] Han Zhao, Weihao Cui, Quan Chen, Jingwen Leng, Deze Zeng, and Minyi Guo. Improving Cluster Utilization through Adaptive Resource Management for DNN and CPU Jobs Co-location. |
/ | [ TC 2023 ] Pengyu Wang, Cheng Xu, Chao Li, Jing Wang, Taolei Wang, Lu Zhang, Xiaofeng Hou, and Minyi Guo. Optimizing GPU-based Graph Sampling and Random Walk for Efficiency and Scalability. |
/ | [ VLDB 2023 ] Pu Pang, Gang Deng, Kaihao Bai, Quan Chen, Shixuan Sun, Bo Liu, Yu Xu, Hongbo Yao, Zhengheng Wang, Xiyu Wang, Zheng Liu, Zhuo Song, Yong Yang, Tao Ma, Minyi Guo. Async-fork: Mitigating Query Latency Spikes Incurred by the Fork-based Snapshot Mechanism from the OS Level. |
/ | [ JPDC 2023 ] Jing Wang, Chao Li, Yibo Liu, Taolei Wang, Junyi Mei, Lu Zhang, Pengyu Wang, and Minyi Guo. Fargraph+: Excavating the Parallelism of Graph Processing Workload on RDMA-based Far Memory System. |
/ | [ TC 2022 ] Lu Zhang, Weiqi Feng, Chao Li, Xiaofeng Hou, Pengyu Wang, Jing Wang, Minyi Guo. Tapping into NFV Environment for Opportunistic Serverless Edge Function Deployment. |
/ | [ TPDS 2022 ] Guangqiang Luan, Pu Pang, Quan Chen, Shuai Xue, Zhuo Song, Minyi Guo. Online Thread Auto-Tuning for Performance Improvement and Resource Saving. |
/ | [ ToN 2022 ] Yunxiang Cai, Hongzi Zhu, Shan Chang, Xiao Wang, Jiangang Shen, Minyi Guo. PeerProbe: Estimating Vehicular Neighbor Distribution with Adaptive Compressive Sensing. |
/ | [ TMC 2021 ] Zichen Xu, Jie Zhou, Wenli Zheng, Yuhao Wang, Minyi Guo. Exploiting big.LITTLE Batteries for Software Defined Management on MobileDevices. |
/ | [ TACO 2021 ] Pengyu Wang, Jing Wang, Chao Li, Jianzong Wang, Haojin Zhu, and Minyi Guo. Grus: Toward Unified-Memory-Efficient, High-Performance Graph Processing on GPU. |
/ | [ TKDE 2021 ] Zhongpu Chen, Bin Yao, Zhi-Jie Wang, Xiaofeng Gao, Shuo Shang, Shuai Ma, Minyi Guo. Flexible Aggregate Nearest Neighbor Queries and its Keyword-Aware Variant on Road Networks. |
/ | [ TKDE 2020 ] Zhongpu Chen, Bin Yao, Zhi-Jie Wang, Xiaofeng Gao, Shuo Shang, Shuai Ma, Minyi Guo. Flexible Aggregate Nearest Neighbor Queries and its Keyword-Aware Variant on Road Networks. |
/ | [ TKDE 2020 ] Yang Xu, Bin Yao, Zhi-Jie Wang, Xiaofeng Gao, Jiong Xie, Minyi Guo. Skia: Scalable and Efficient In-Memory Analytics for Big Spatial-Textual Data. |
/ | [ TCAD 2020 ] Jingwen Leng, Alper Buyuktosunoglu, Ramon Bertran, Pradip Bose, Yazhou Zu, and Vijay Janapa Reddi, Predictive Guardbanding: Program-driven Timing Margin Reduction for GPUs. |
/ | [ TCAD 2020 ] An Zou, Jingwen Leng, Xin He, Yazhou Zu, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Xuan Zhang, Voltage-Stacked Power Delivery Systems: Reliability, Efficiency, and Power Management. |
/ | [ TPDS 2020 ] Pu Pang, Quan Chen, Deze Zeng, Minyi Guo. Adaptive Preference-aware Co-location for Improving Resource Utilization of Power Constrained Datacenters. |
/ | [ TACO 2020 ] Pengyu Wang, Jing Wang, Chao Li, Jianzong Wang, and Minyi Guo. Grus: Towards Unified-Memory-Efficient, High-Performance Graph Processing on GPU. |
/ | [ JPDC 2020 ] Mengze Wei, Wenyi Zhao, Quan Chen, Hao Dai, Jingwen Leng, Chao Li, Wenli Zheng, Minyi Guo. Predicting and Reining in Application-level Slowdown on Spatial Multitasking GPUs. |
1 | [ JPDC 2020 ] Jin Li, Quan Chen, Jingwen Leng, Weinan Zhang, Minyi Guo: Probabilistic robust regression with adaptive weights - a case study on face recognition. |
2 | [ Sensors 2020 ] Muhammad Naveed Riaz, Yao Shen, Muhammad Sohail, Minyi Guo: eXnet: An Efficient Approach for Emotion Recognition in the Wild. |