CS3953 (Fall 2024): Computer Networks

Course Description:

This course will introduce students to the key concepts underlying wired and wireless networking with a focus on the discussion of the layered architecture of the network protocol. A variety of case studies will be drawn from the Internet, combined with several practical programming exercises. At the end of the semester, students are expected to understand, several concepts, including the Internet architecture, HTTP, DNS, P2P, Sockets, TCP/IP, BGP, Routing protocols, wireless and sensor networking, WiFi, cellular and satellite networks, security, etc., with the ability to analyze and design protocols and algorithms in networking systems.

Lecture Time & Location:
  • Monday, 14:00-15:40 (Week 1-16), 东上院 307.
  • Thursday, 14:00-15:40 (单周), 东中院 3-402.
Instructor: Haiming Jin (jinhaiming@sjtu.edu.cn)

Office Hours: Wednesday, 16:00-17:00, at Software Building No. 1, Room 1108-2.

Course TA:
  • Xinyue Fu (fuxinyue@sjtu.edu.cn)
  • TA Office Hours: Wednesday, 17:00-18:00, at Software Building No. 1, Room 1119.
Primary References:
  • Jim Kurose and Keith Ross, "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach", Pearson. (6th/7th/8th Edition)
  • “计算机网络:自顶向下方法”,机械工业出版社,译者:陈鸣。(原书第6/7/8版)
Other References:
  • Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall.
  • Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, “Computer Networks: A Systems Approach”, Morgan Kaufmann.
  • Douglas E. Comer, “Computer Networks and Internets”, Prentice Hall.
  • William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Prentice Hall.
Mid-Term Quiz:
  • General Info: During the second half of our lecture on Nov. 4, 2024, we will have a mid-term quiz, which is not a formal mid-term exam but more formal than the other quizes that we already had in past lectures. The mid-term quiz values more points in your final grade than any other quiz. Please attend!!!
  • Requirements: Open book. Electronic devices are only allowed to be used to look up our course slides and digital-version textbook. Your answers could be either in Chinese or English.
  • Candidate Topics: All contents covered before the date of the quiz.
  • Question formats: The quiz questions are in English (10道选择题+2道大题). Each multiple-choice question is worth 5 points. There may be more than one correct choice for each question. Please select all choices that apply. You will only get the score, if you select exactly the correct choices.
  • Review guidlines: Please pay attention to our slides and homework questions.
Final Exam:
  • Time: 13:10-15:10, January 13, 2024.
  • Location: 中院111.
  • Requirements: Closed book with one-page (front and back) cheat sheet in A4 paper. Your answers could be either in Chinese or English.
  • Office Hour: January 8 and 10, 14:00-16:00, at Software Building No. 1, Room 1108-2.
  • TA Office Hour: TAs will hold regular TA office hours in week 17. TAs only answers questions about homeworks.
  • Candidate Topics: topics.
  • Question formats: The final exam questions are in English (25道选择题+9道大题). Each multiple-choice question is worth 2 points. There may be more than one correct choice for each question. Please select all choices that apply. You will only get the score, if you select exactly the correct choices.

Grading (tentative):
  • Homework and quizzes: 40%.
  • Lab assignments: 30%.
  • Final exam: 30% (The final exam covers all materials taught over the semester).

Note: This schedule is tentative and subject to change over time due to unforeseen events. Please check it regularly.

# Date Topics Slides & Notes
1 Sep. 19 Course Logistics, Course Overview
What’s Computer Network?
Slides: [chap0-overview.pdf], [chap1-introduction.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 1)
2 Sep. 23 Introduction:
Protocol layers
Service models
Network edge
Access net
Network core
Slides: Same as above.
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 1), materials for queueing delay
3 Sep. 29 Introduction:
Network core
Delay, loss, throughput
Slides: Same as above.
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 1)
4 Sep. 30 Application Layer:
Slides: [chap2-application layer-1.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 2)
5 Oct. 19 Application Layer:
Web and HTTP
Slides: Same as above.
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 2)
6 Oct. 21 Application Layer:
Electronic mail
Slides: [chap2-application layer-2.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 2)
7 Oct. 22 Transport Layer:
Transport-layer services
Slides: [chap3-transport layer-1.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 3)
8 Oct. 28 Transport Layer:
Multiplexing and demultiplexing
Slides: [chap3-transport layer-2.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 3)
9 Oct. 31 Transport Layer:
Slides: Same as above.
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 3)
10 Nov. 4 Transport Layer:
Mid-Term Quiz
Slides: [chap3-transport layer-3.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 3)
Note: This lecture will be given by our guest lecturer Prof. Yutong Liu.
11 Nov. 11 Transport Layer:
Slides: Same as above.
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 3)
12 Nov. 14 Transport Layer:
Network Layer (Data Plane):
Overview of network layer
Slides: [chap4-network layer-data plane-1.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 3), Kurose&Ross (Chapter 4)
13 Nov. 18 Network Layer (Data Plane):
What’s inside a router
Slides: [chap4-network layer-data plane-2.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 4)
14 Nov. 25 Network Layer (Data Plane):
Slides: The same as above.
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 4)
15 Nov. 28 Network Layer (Control Plane):
Routing Protocols
Slides: [chap5-network layer-control plane.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 5)
16 Dec. 2 Network Layer (Control Plane):
Intra-AS routing
Slides: The same as above.
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 5), Lecture 18 (Policy Routing) of EECS489, UMICH, Policy Routing Paper
17 Dec. 9 Network Layer (Control Plane):
Inter-AS routing
Network Management
Link Layer:
Introduction, Services
Slides: [chap6-link layer-1.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 5), Kurose&Ross (Chapter 6)
18 Dec. 12 Link Layer:
Error detection, Correction
Multiple Access Protocols
Slides: Same as above.
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 6)
19 Dec. 16 Link Layer:
Multiple Access Protocols
Slides: [chap6-link layer-2.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 6)
20 Dec. 23 Link Layer:
Data Center Networking
Slides: Same as above.
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 6)
21 Dec. 26 Link Layer:
Data Center Networking
Wireless and Mobile Networks:
Wireless Links and network characteristics
WiFi: 802.11 wireless LANs
Cellular networks: 4G and 5G
Slides: [chap7-wireless and mobile networks.pdf], [A day in the life of a web request.ppt]

Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 7)
22 Dec. 30 Wireless and Mobile Networks:
WiFi: 802.11 wireless LANs
Final Review
Slides: [final review.pdf]
Reading: Kurose&Ross (Chapter 7)

In this semester, we will have a series of homeworks, which will help you better understand the concepts and protocols discussed during the lectures.

  • You are expected to carry out the homeworks by yourself.
  • For each homework, you are expected to submit a pdf file containing your answers to all questions via Canvas.
  • Your answer file should be written in English, otherwise it will not be graded.
  • Your answer file should be named as "StudentName_StudentID_HomeworkIndex.pdf". For example, HaimingJin_5080309195_Homework1.pdf for Homework 1.

In this semester, you are expected to carry out several lab assignments to obtain hands-on experience on computer networks. Specifically, the labs will offer you the opportunity to getting familiar with Wireshark, Mininet, socket programming, NFS, gRPC, etc.

  • You are expected to carry out the labs by yourself.
  • You will not need to go to an actual lab room for the labs, as they could be finished using your own PCs.
  • For each lab, you are expected to submit a report and the corresponding code via Canvas.
  • Your report should be a pdf file written in English, otherwise it will not be graded.
  • Your report should be named as "StudentName_StudentID_LabIndex.pdf". For example, HaimingJin_5080309195_Lab1.pdf for Lab 1. If there are multiple files (e.g., report and code) to be submitted for the same lab, please put all your files in a .zip file named as "StudentName_StudentID_LabIndex.zip".
  • Each lab assignment normally contains a tutorial and several questions. The tutorial will instruct you to set up the basic environment and install the tools necessary for the lab. In your report for each lab, you are expected to provide answers to all questions by using the installed tools or writing additional codes as required.
  • Lab 1: Set up Environment and Test Basic Softwares