上海交大致远讲席教授、大学人工智能研究院首席科学家、上海市人工智能战略咨询专家、广东省智能科学与技术研究院首届理事会理事、香港中文大学Emeritus Professor75年工人,哈工大77本科,82-86年清华攻博88年时任国家主席主持颁发的首届霍英东奖40位获奖者中,是AI学科的唯一获奖者。从事AI研究40年,RHT、组合分类、RPCLLMSEREM算法、BYY等广被引用和追随的成果,获数个国内外主要奖项, 93年国家自然科学奖和06年亚太神经网络学会最高奖-杰出成就奖(首位获奖华)01年当选IEEE Fellow, 02年当选欧洲科学院院士IAPR Fellow


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Zhiyuan Chair Professor, Chief Scientist of AI Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Member of Shanghai Municipal AI Strategy Advisory Expert Committee, Fellow of IEEE (2001), IAPR (2002), European Academy of Sciences (2003). Chair professor since 2002 and Emeritus professor since 2019, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Taken various roles in academic societies, e.g., International Neural Networks Society (INNS) Governing Board (2001-2003), award committee (2002-2003), and Fellow committee of IEEE Computational Intelligence society (2006-2007). Received several national and international academic awards, including 1993 National Nature Science Award, 1995 INNS Leadership Award and 2006 Asia Pacific Neural Network Society Outstanding Achievement Award.