
Na Ruan

Associate Professor, Ph.D
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Assistant Director, SJTU Center of Blockchain

About Me

阮娜,上海交通大学副教授,博士生导师,隐私计算与智能安全实验室负责人。日本九州大学博士,澳洲莫纳什大学访问学者,中国计算机学会(CCF)杰出会员,CCF 区块链专委会执行委员,中国电子学会区块链分会常委/青年工作组执行组长,网络安全专委委员,上海交通大学晨星优秀青年学者获得者。主要从事网络安全与数据隐私、区块链、人工智能安全等方面研究。发表论文50余篇,合著学术专著2项,申请及授权专利10余项,参与国际/行业标准7项(副主席2项)。主持国家重点研发课题,国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目,上海科委科技创新行动计划项目,教育部-华为产学研协同育人项目,国家电网总部科技课题,中国计算机学会腾讯犀牛鸟基金,无锡市产研院先导预研项目等国家、省部级课题共计20余项。获CCF推荐国际会议最佳论文奖2次,指导学生获CCF&ATEC2023全国大学生区块链安全技术与创新应用竞赛一等奖。
Na Ruan received the B.E. and M. E. degree from China University of Mining&Technology, Xu Zhou, China in 2007 and 2010 respectively. She received the Dr. Eng. Degree from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan in 2012. She is with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China where she is an associate professor. She was a visiting researcher in Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Her current research interests are in blockchain, AI security and data privacy. She serves as guest editors for many IEEE journals and transactions. She has also served on the program committees for several international conferences.

Office: SEIEE 3-527
800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District
Shanghai 200240, P.R. China

Email: / /

I am looking for self-motivated students who are strongly committed to research,
If you are interested in Security and Privacy, Blockchain and AI Security, feel free to send me your CV.


  • Blockchain
  • Network Security and Data Privacy
  • AI Security


  1. CS3611 (IEEE) Computer Network
  2. EE357 (IEEE) Computer Network
  3. MA115 (SEIEE) Discrete Mathematics
  4. CS902 (SEIEE) Thinking and Approach of Programming
  5. CS101 (Zhiyuan College) Introduction to Computer Science
  6. P033501 (CS Master) Computer Network


    *Corresponding author
  1. [TDSC25] Bowen Li, Hanlin Gu, Ruoxin Chen, Jie Li, Chentao Wu, Na Ruan, Xueming Si, Lixin Fan. Temporal Gradient Inversion Attacks with Robust Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2025. (TDSC, CCF-A)New
  2. [TMC24] Na Ruan*, Jikun Chen, Tu Huang, Zekun Sun, Jie Li. Fool Attackers by Imperceptible Noise: A Privacy-Preserving Adversarial Representation Mechanism for Collaborative Learning. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (TMC, CCF-A)
  3. [ICASSP24] Chaohao Fu, Weijia Jia, Na Ruan*. Client-free federated unlearning via training reconstruction with anchor subspace calibration (ICASSP 2024,CCF-B),Seoul,Korea.
  4. [ISPEC24]Liwei Liu, Zijian Liu, Na Ruan*.From the Perspective of Prototypes: A Privacy-Preserving Personalized Federated Learning Framework.The 19th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience, 2024. (ISPEC,CCF-C,Best-paper award)
  5. [ToN22] Na Ruan*, Hanyi Sun, Zenan Lou, Jie Li. A General Quantitative Analysis Framework for Attacks in Blockchain. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022. (ToN, CCF-A)
  6. [CVPR21] Zekun Sun, Yujie Han, Zeyu Hua, Na Ruan*, Weijia Jia, Improving the Efficiency and Robustness of Deepfakes Detection through Precise Geometric Features, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR,CCF-A), 2021.
  7. [计算机学报21] 刘汉卿, 阮娜*,区块链中攻击方式的研究. 计算机学报, 2021年第4期. (CCF-A)
  8. [计算机学报21] 阮娜,刘汉卿,斯雪明,采用工作量证明共识机制的区块链中挖矿攻击者间的鲶鱼效应,计算机学报, 2021年第1期。 (CCF-A)
  9. [TOIT20] Na Ruan, Dongli Zhou, Weijia Jia, Ursa: Robust Performance for Nakamoto Consensus with Self-adaptive Throughput, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (ACM TOIT), 2020. (CCF-B)
  10. [Esorics20] Hanyi Sun, Na Ruan*, Chunhua Su . How to Model the Bribery Attack: A Practical Quantification Method in Blockchain. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security(ESORICS 2020, CCF-B,accept ration 19%, 72 in 366), 2020.
  11. [COSE19] Na Ruan, Ruoyu Deng, Chunhua Su. GADM: Manual Fake Review Detection for O2O Commercial Platforms. Computers & Security (COSE, CCF-B), 2019. Download
  12. [TKDD19] Wenmian Yang, Weijia Jia, Kun Wang, Na Ruan, Wenyuan Gao. Time-sync Video Tag Extraction Using Semantic Association Graph. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD, CCF-B), 2019. Download
  13. [TMC19] Haojin Zhu, Yan Meng, Xiaohui Liang, Yao Liu, Na Ruan. Revealing Your Mobile Password via WiFi Signals: Attacks and Countermeasures. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF-A, SCI), 2019. Download
  14. [TBD18] Weijia Jia, Hongjian Peng, Na Ruan*, Zhiqing Tang, Wei Zhao. WiFind: Driver fatigue detection with fine-grained Wi-Fi signal features. IEEE Transactions on Big Data (SCI), 2018. Download
  15. [ICME17]Wenmian Yang, Na Ruan*, Wenyuan Gao, Kun Wang, Wensheng Ran, Weijia Jia. Crowdsourced Time-sync Video Tagging using Semantic Association Graph. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME, CCF-B), Hongkong, China, 2017. Download
  16. [WASA17]Mingli Wu,Na Ruan*, Shiheng Ma, Haojin Zhu, Weijia Jia, Qingshui Xue, Songyang Wu. Detect SIP Flooding Attacks in VoLTE by Utilizing and Compressing Counting Bloom Filter. International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (CCF推荐会议, Best Paper Runner-up Award), Guilin, China, 2017. Download
  17. [SECON17] Wenyan Yao, Na Ruan*, Feifan Yu, Weijia Jia, Haojin Zhu. Privacy-Preserving Fraud Detection via Cooperative Mobile Carriers with Improved Accuracy. Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (IEEE SECON, CCF-B), San Diego, USA, 2017. Download
  18. [CCS16] Mengyuan Li, Yan Meng, Junyi Liu, Haojin Zhu, Xiaohui Liang, Yao Liu, Na Ruan. When CSI Meets Public WiFi: Inferring Your Mobile Phone Password via WiFi Signals. ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS, Accepting rate 16.5%, CCF-A), Vienna, Austria, 2016. Download
  19. [ICDCS16] Na Ruan, Lei Gao, Haojin Zhu, Weijia Jia, Xiang Li, Qi Hu. Toward Optimal DoS-Resistant Authentication in Crowdsensing Networks via Evolutionary Game. International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS, Accepting rate 17.6%, CCF-B), Kyoto, Japan, 2016. Download
  20. [IOTJ16] Mengyuan Li, Na Ruan*, QiYang Qian, Haojin Zhu, Le Yu. SPFM: Scalable and Privacy-preserving Friend Matching in Mobile Cloud. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCI, JCR-1), 2016. Download
  21. [ACISP24] Zenan Lou, Na Ruan*. FXChain: a multi-consortium blockchain with flexible privacy-preserving strategies, The 29th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy,Sydney, Australia. New
  22. [IEEE GBC24] Zihan Wang, Yusen Wang, Chentian Yuan, Jiong Lou, Jie Li, Na Ruan*. Taking Attacks to the Next Level: A Framework for Front-Running Attacks on Blockchain Systems.2024 IEEE Global Blockchain Conference New
  23. [PRICAI 2024] Chaohao Fu, Yun Zhou, Na Ruan*. Preserving Individual User's Right to be Forgotten in Enterprise-Level Federated Learning,The 21th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. New
  24. [HPCC 2024] Ziye Zheng, Jiajing Wu, Dan Lin, Quanzhong Li, Na Ruan. XSema: A Novel Framework for Semantic Extraction of Cross-Chain Transactions,IEEE HPCC'2024, on 13-15 December, 2024. New
  25. [ACNS 2023] Hongbin Chen, Chaohao Fu, Na Ruan*. Steal from Collaboration: Spy Attack by a Dishonest Party in Vertical Federated Learning. 21st International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security ,Kyoto,Japan.
  26. [ProvSec 2022] Huang Juzheng, Qiang Tang, Chunhua Su, Na Ruan*. Secure Collaboration between Consortiums in Permissioned Blockchains.The 16th International Conference on Provable and Practical Security.
  27. [IJICS 2022] Mohammed almehdhar, Mohammed M. Abdelsamea, and Na Ruan*. Deep multi-locality convolutional neural network for DDoS detection in smart home IoT. Int. J. of Information and Computer Security, 2022.
  28. [ACISP21]Jikun Chen,Hongbin Chen,Ruoyu Deng,Na Ruan*,Yao Liu,Chao Liu,Chunhua Su,ALRS-An Adversarial Noise Based Data Sharing Mechanism for Privacy Protecting,The 26th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy.
  29. [ACM AsiaCCS 2020] Feifan Yu, Na Ruan*, Siyuan Cheng. Rational Manager in Bitcoin Mining Pool: Dynamic Strategies to Gain Extra Rewards. The 15th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (accept ratio 21%, 67 in 308), 2020.
  30. Na Ruan, Chunhua Su, Chi Xie, Weijia Jia, Securing Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Vehicular Platoons via Cooperative Message Authentication, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (SCI), 2020.
  31. Ruoyu Deng, Na Ruan*, Guangsheng Zhang, Xiaohu Zhang. FraudJudger: Fraud Detection on Digital Payment Platforms with Fewer Labels. 21st International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS, Beijing, China, 2019. Download
  32. Hanyi Sun, Na Ruan*, Hanqing Liu. Ethereum Analysis via Node Clustering. International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS), Sapporo, Japan, 2019. Download
  33. Dongli Zhou, Na Ruan* Weijia Jia . A Robust Throughput Scheme for Bitcoin Network without Block Reward. The 21th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC ), Zhangjiajie, China, 2019. Download
  34. Na Ruan, Zhikun Wei, Jienan Liu. Cooperative Fraud Detection Model With Privacy-Preserving in Real CDR Datasets. IEEE Access (SCI), 2019. Download
  35. Ruoyu Deng, Na Ruan*, Ruidong Jin, Yu Lu, Weijia Jia, Chuhua Su, Dandan Xu. SpamTracer: Manual Fake Review Detection for O2O Commercial Platforms by Using Geolocation Features. International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt), Fuzhou, China, 2018. Download
  36. Hanqing Liu, Na Ruan*, Rongtian Du, Weijia Jia. On the Strategy and Behavior of Bitcoin Mining with N-attackers. Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM AsiaCCS, Accept ration 19%, 62 in 310), Seoul, Korean, 2018. Download
  37. Xu Chu, Na Ruan*, Ming Li, Weijia Jia. Pseudonym Inference in Cooperative Vehicular Traffic Scenarios. The IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS), Beijing, China, 2018. Download
  38. Na Ruan, Mingli Wu, Shiheng Ma, Haojin Zhu, Weijia Jia. Detect and Prevent SIP Flooding Attacks in VoLTE by Utilizing a Two-Tier PFilter Design. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (SCI/EI), 2017. Download
  39. [TC16] Jianwei Qian, Fudong Qiu, Fan Wu, Na Ruan, Guihai Chen, Shaojie Tang. Privacy-Preserving Selective Aggregation of Online User Behavior Data. IEEE Transactions on Computers (SCI, CCF-A), 2016. Download
  40. Jiafa Liu, Junyi Li, Huaxin Li, Haojin Zhu, Na Ruan, Di Ma. Who Moved My Cheese: Towards Automatic and Fine-grained Classification and Modeling Ad Network. IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), Washington, DC USA, 2016. Download
  41. Na Ruan, Qi Hu, Lei Gao, Haojin Zhu, Qingshui Xue, Weijia Jia. A Traffic Based Lightweight Attack Detection Scheme for VoLTE. IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), Washington, DC USA, 2016. Download
  42. Yaoan Jin, Chunhua Su, Na Ruan*, Weijia Jia. Privacy-Preserving Mining of Association Rules for Horizontally Distributed Databases Based on FP-tree. International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC), Zhangjiajie, China, 2016. Download
  43. Lei Gao, Na Ruan*, Haojin Zhu. Efficient and Secure Message Authentication in Cooperative Driving: A Game-Theoretic Approach. IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016. Download
  44. Na Ruan, Mengyuan Li, Jie Li. A Novel Broadcast Authentication Protocol for Internet of Vehicles.Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA), 2016. Download
  45. Jianwei Qian, Fudong Qiu, Fan Wu, Na Ruan, Guihai Chen, Shaojie Tang. A Differentially Private Selective Aggregation Scheme for Online User Behavior Analysis. IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom), San Diego, CA, USA, 2015. Download
  46. Ben Bett, Xiaokuan Zhang, Mengyuan Li, Qiyang Qian, Na Ruan, Haojin Zhu. SmartSec: Secret Sharing-based Location-aware Privacy Enhancement in Smart Devices. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (IEEE ICCC), Shenzhen, China, 2015. Download
  47. Shuying Lai, Huaxin Li, Haojin Zhu, Na Ruan. De-anonymizing Social Networks: Using User Interest as a side-channel. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (IEEE ICCC), Shenzhen, China, 2015. Download
  48. Mengyuan Li, Na Ruan*, Haojin Zhu, Jie Li, Xiang Li. A Paralleling Broadcast Authentication Protocol for sparse RSUs in Internet of Vehicles. International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN), Maui, HI, USA, 2014. Download
  49. Xiang Li, Na Ruan*, Fan Wu, Jie Li, Mengyuan Li. Efficient and Enhanced Broadcast Authentication Protocols based on Multilevel uTESLA. IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), Austin, Texas, USA, 2014. Download
  50. Na Ruan, Yoshiaki Hori. DoS attack-tolerant TESLA-based broadcast authentication protocol in Internet of Things. International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (iCOST), Avignon, France, 2012. Download
  51. Na Ruan, Takashi Nishide, Yoshiaki Hori. Elliptic Curve ElGamal Threshold-based Key Management Scheme against Compromise of Distributed RSUs for VANETs. Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 2012. Download
  52. Na Ruan, Yizhi Ren, Yoshiaki Hori, Kouchi Sakurai. Analytic Hierarchy Process aided Key Management Schemes Evaluation in Wireless Sensor Network. Journal of Networks, 2012. Download
  53. Na Ruan, Yizhi Ren, Yoshiaki Hori, Kouichi Sakurai. Performance Analysis of Key Management Schemes in Wireless Sensor Network Using Analytic Hierarchy Process. IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, (IEEE TrustCom), Changsha, China, 2011. Download
  54. Na Ruan, Takashi Nishide, Yoshiaki Hori. Threshold ElGamal-based Key Management scheme for distributed RSUs in VANET. International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (iCOST, in conjunction with WiMOB 2011.) Shanghai, China, 2011. Download
  55. Na Ruan, Yizhi Ren, Yoshiaki Hori, Kouichi Sakurai. A Generic Evaluation Method for Key Management Schemes in Wireless Sensor Network. International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC, Student grant award), Seoul, Korean, 2011. Download
  56. >>>More>>>


  1. 过敏意, 吴晨涛, 李超, 阮娜, 陈雨亭.《云计算原理与实践》. 机械工业出版社, 400,000字, 出版时间 2017-03.
  2. 阮娜, 龙宇, 刘卫东, 张磊. 《信息时代的计算机科学理论》(Computer Science Theory for the Information Age 中文版). 上海交通大学出版社, 500,000 字, ISBN 9787313111098, 出版时间 2014-06.

Domestic Conference

  1. 论坛主席,“区块链开放与治理技术论坛”,CCF中国区块链技术大会暨首届全球区块链产业峰会,2024.
  2. 论坛主席,“区块链安全技术及应用专题论坛”,CCF中国区块链技术与应用高峰论坛,2024.
  3. 论坛联合主席,“区块链与数据安全关键技术论坛”,大湾区计算机创新技术大会(第一届),大会媒体委员会副主席,2023.
  4. 论坛主席,“区块链和Web3.0安全关键技术”,ysec空中学术论坛,2023.
  5. 论坛联合主席,“数据要素可信流通关键技术论坛”,CCF中国区块链技术大会,2023.
  6. 引导嘉宾,“数据要素流通-区块链信任的能与不能”,CCF青年计算机科技论坛,CCF YOCSEF济南2023.
  7. 特邀报告,“Web3.0安全溯源关键技术研究”,中国软件大会区块链可靠性分析论坛,2023.
  8. 特邀报告,“新型网络安全挑战与机遇”,中国图像图形学会“人工智能与安全”前沿讲习班(IGAL18),2021.
  9. 特邀报告,“区块链解决多方联合学习中安全问题探索”,CCF中国区块链技术产业发展峰会2020
  10. 特邀报告,“区块链中若干攻击方式的研究”,CCF中国区块链技术大会,2018
  11. 研究报告. “階層分析法を使用した無線センサネットワークにおける鍵管理方式の分析”. The Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS), Kobe, Japan, 2011.


  1. 主持,国家重点研发计划课题,基于网络行为模式分析的虚拟货币账户去匿名化技术研究,119万,2023-12 - 2026-11
  2. 主持,国家自然科学基金委员会面上基金,面向数据共享融合的层次式区块链安全与隐私保护关键技术研究,50万,2025-01 - 2028-12
  3. 主持,上海科委科技创新行动计划项目,面向多层次的区块链漏洞挖掘技术研究,200万,2023-12 - 2025-11
  4. 主持,上海科委科技创新行动计划项目课题,共识算法安全性分析、检测与修复系统,45/166万,2024-10 - 2025-09 New
  5. 主持,国网总部科技课题,面向分布式分散资源聚合互动的可信交易关键技术研究及应用,110万,2023-12 - 2025-11
  6. 主持,国家自然科学基金委员会青年基金,基于自适应巡航系统的车联网中合作安全与隐私保护研究,25万,2018-01 - 2020-12
  7. 主持,上海交通大学-蚂蚁“人工智能与安全”联合研究中心-数字安全创新实验室首批课题,基于稳定扩散模型等生成式人工智能技术的UGC内容、证照等高质量负样本生成技术,40万,2024-20205.
  8. 主持,无锡市产业创新研究院项目,面向电力能源体系的区块链软硬件协同关键技术与设备研制,100万,2024-01 - 2024-12
  9. 主持,中国联合网络通信有限公司研究院横向项目,100万,2017-2018
  10. 主持,CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟科研基金项目 (2014, 17⁄152),Encryption Strategy based on the Importance Evaluation of Mobile Communication Contents,2014-10 - 2015-10


  1. Member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  2. Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  3. Member of Chinese Association of Cryptologic Research (CACR)
  4. Member of Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
  5. Committee Member of China Computer Federation-Technical Committee on Block Chain (CCF TCBC)
  6. Committee Member of China Computer Federation-Network and Data Communications (CCF TCCOMM)


  1. Reviewer, Transactions on Information Forensics & Security
  2. Reviewer, IEEE Trans. on Dependable & Secure Computing
  3. Reviewer, Chinese Journal of Computers
  4. Reviewer, SCIENCE CHINA Info. Sciences
  5. Reviewer,ESORICS
  6. Organizing Chair, NSS2019
  7. Guest Editor, Blockchains


Ph.D Students


Chaohao Fu

AI security

  1. ICASSP24

Zekun Sun

Data Security

  1. CVPR21

Zijian Liu

AI Security


Junjie Hu



Master Students


Xunzhi Chen


  1. Privacy-Preserving Fraud Detection via Cooperative Mobile Carriers with Improved Accuracy

Jianghui Zhai



Tu Huang

FL Security


Hao Wu

LLM Security


Guiyue Qi

FL Security


Liwei Liu

FL Security


Wutao Li

LLM Security




Mohammed Almehdhar

Ph.d 2023

Internet of Vehicles


Mingli Wu

Master 2018
Network Security
Smartphone Privacy

  1. Detect and Prevent SIP Flooding Attacks in VoLTE by Utilizing a Two-Tier PFilter Design
  2. Detect SIP Flooding Attacks in VoLTE by Utilizing and Compressing Counting Bloom Filter

Xu Chu

Master 2019
Vehicle Platooning

  1. Pseudonym Inference in Cooperative Vehicular Traffic Scenarios

Hanqing Liu

Master 2021

  1. Ethereum Analysis via Node Clustering
  2. On the Strategy and Behavior of Bitcoin Mining with N-attackers

Hanyi Sun

Master 2022

  1. Ethereum Analysis via Node Clustering

Dongli Zhou

Master 2022

  1. A Robust Throughput Scheme for Bitcoin Network without Block Reward

Ruoyu Deng

Master 2021
Data Security and Privacy

  1. SpamTracer: Manual Fake Review Detection for O2O Commercial Platforms by Using Geolocation Features

Feifan Yu

Master 2021

  1. Privacy-Preserving Fraud Detection via Cooperative Mobile Carriers with Improved Accuracy

Hongbin Chen

Master 2023
AI Security


Jikun Chen

Master 2022
Adversarial Learning


Zhao Lu

Master 2023


Zenan Lou

Master 2023


Chengliang Si

Bachelor 2019
Data Mining


Zhikun Wei

Bachelor 2018
Data Mining


Weijie Yuan

Bachelor 2019
Data Mining


Jingyu Cui

Master @ Georgia Institute of Technology
Data Mining


Ruidong Jin

Bachelor 2018
Cyber Security

  1. Ruoyu Deng, Na Ruan*, Ruidong Jin, Yu Lu, Weijia Jia, Chunhua Su and Dandan Xu. “SpamTracer: Manual Fake Review Detection for O2O Commercial Platforms by Using Geolocation Features,” Inscrypt 2018, Dec 14-17, 2018, Fuzhou, China.

Yao'an Jin

Master @ Osaka University
Cyber Security

  1. Jin Y, Su C, Na R, Jia W, et al. Privacy-Preserving Mining of Association Rules for Horizontally Distributed Databases Based on FP-Tree[M]// Information Security Practice and Experience. Springer International Publishing, 2016.