CS324: Embedded Computer Systems
致谢: 感谢INTEL公司对本课程项目的资助!
Time: 2:00pm ~ 3:40pm (class 7~8), Tuesday and Thursday, from week 1 to week 8
Venue: 东中院4-401
Teaching Assistant:
Minjie Wang (wmjlyjemaine@gmail.com)
1. ARM嵌入式系统基础教程(第2版),周立功,北京航空航天大学出版社
2. http://meego.com/developers
3. http://qt.nokia.com/
Syllabus: (subject to change)
- Week 1:
Class overview; slide
A brief introduction to embedded computer systems. slide
ARM 7 体系结构. slide
- Week 2:
ARM 7 指令系统. slide
ARM 7 重要硬件结构. slide
- Week 3:
Discussion; slide
MeeGo Overview; slide
MeeGo SDK 与 Qt 基础. slide
- Week 4:
MeeGo communications; slide
- Week 5:
MeeGo multimedia. slide
- Week 6:
MeeGo UX and MeeGo graphics; slide
- Week 7:
MeeGo Device and Information Management. slide
- Week 8:
Projects checking and discussing.
Experiment requirement information.slide
Grading policy:
- Class attendance + Pop-quizzes: 25%
- Homework project and presentation: 75%
Additional information:
- Some quizzes
will come from the references. Many quizzes are actually in-class
exercises, based on the material just covered in class. The first purpose of quizzes is to encourage attendance, because any student who attempts all quizzes gets full credit for them. The second purpose is to make people aware of a key issue discussed in the lecture.
- In order to pass the course with a grade of C or better, a minimum raw score of 60% for the homework project is needed.
- Each student
is expected to attend all classes for this course and is responsible for all
material covered in class or assigned. In particular, absence from more than
nine scheduled classes, whether excused or unexcused, is excessive and may
result in a grade penalty.