CFP: 2016 Shannon Workshop

"It is our great pleasure to welcome you dear friends to join us to commemorate the centenary of Dr. C. E. Shannon, the father of information age. Wish there will be a great workshop and wish you enjoy the days at Shanghai Jiao Tong University."

Prof. Minyi Guo, Head of CSE, SJTU

The 2016 Shannon Workshop will take place at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, from December 14 - 16, 2016. A series of talks and activities will be held to commemorate the centenary of Dr. Claude E. Shannon (1916-2001), who is not only the father of information theory, but also made fundamental contribution to data compression, digital computers, cryptography, circuit complexity, flow networks, and juggling, as well as laying foundations of artificial intelligence and human computer interaction. The workshop will provide a platform for researchers in various areas to share their insight, experience, and latest progress together. The topics will be but not limited to Information Theory, Computational Biology, Communication, Computation, Networking, Game Theory and so on. We are calling interested researchers to participate in this event to make a better tomorrow of science and technology.

We have invited many top notch researchers from different areas to give talks. They are from world renowned universities and research labs, such as Cornell, UC Berkeley, Caltech, Stanford, NUS, CUHK, SYSU, SJTU, Huawei Lab and so on. Confirmed speakers include the winners of Turing Award, IEEE Information Theory Society Best Paper Award, IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, etc. The tentative speaker list is: Prof. John Hopcroft, Prof. Douglas Zhou, Prof. Babak Hassibi, Prof. Vincent Tan, Prof. Ziyu Shao, Dr. Qun Huang, Prof. Jianwei Huang, Prof. Chandra Nair, Prof. Xiaohu Tang, Prof. Yang Yang, Prof. Sid Jaggi, Prof. Ayfer Ozgur, and Prof. Xiao Ma. More people will join us in the near future. All talks are invited based and no submission is required before registration.

The event is organized by Dr. Fan Cheng and Dr. Yuanyuan Zhang and supported by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Please feel free to contact them for any enquiries: and

Look forward to seeing you in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where miracles will happen!

Dr. Fan Cheng and Dr. Yuanyuan Zhang

October 9, 2016

Important Date: December 14-16 (Wednesday - Friday), 2016
Venue: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Wechat: ShannonWorkshop
Registration fee: Including meals 1600RMB (900RMB for students), before Nov. 25.
3200RMB (1800RMB for students), after Nov. 25.
Registration may be closed due to limited seats.