[Adapt] Talk by Dr. Gao Cong from NTU

Kenny Zhu kzhu at cs.sjtu.edu.cn
Sun Nov 2 23:52:12 CST 2014

Just a reminder!


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<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Kenny Zhu <kzhu at cs.sjtu.edu.cn> </div><div>Date:2014/10/30  10:28  (GMT+08:00) </div><div>To: 'ADAPT实验室' <adapt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn> </div><div>Cc: 'Yanping Xie' <rea.s.xyp at gmail.com>,eich2ef at gmail.com </div><div>Subject: [Adapt] Talk by Dr. Gao Cong from NTU </div><div>
</div>Dear all,
I have invited Dr. Gao Cong from NTU to give the following talk 10 am, next Monday, Nov 3. Please attend if you are free.
Title: Data Management and Analytics for Geo-textual Data from Social Media Feeds
Time: Monday, Nov 3, 2014, 10 AM
Venue: SEIEE-03-414
Abstract: Massive amount of geo-textual data are being generated at an unprecedented scale from social media websites. Example user generated geo-textual content includes geo-tagged micro-blogs, photos with both tags and geo-locations in social photo sharing websites, as well as points of interest (POIs) and check-in information on places in location-based social networks. This talk presents recent results on querying and mining Geo-textual Data from Social Media Feeds by the speaker and his colleagues.
The talk will cover indexing and querying geo-textual data, POI recommendations, and mining user mobility behaviors from geo-textual data.
Bio: Gao Cong is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Before joining NTU, he was an Assistant professor in Aalborg University, Denmark. Before that, he worked as a researcher at Microsoft Research Asia. From 2004 to 2006, he worked as a postdoc research fellow in University of Edinburgh. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from National University of Singapore in 2004.
His current research interests include geo-textual data management and data mining. His work was published in ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, ACM KDD, ICDE, WWW, ACM SIGIR, etc.  He served as a PC co-chair for E&A track of VLDB 2014, and served on many program committees of international conferences.
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