Robustness & Controllability in Social/Complex Networks
Grade 2014
Zhiying Xu(徐至盈)
Electronic Engineering
Research Interests:
Friendship Paradox
Random Walk
Gossip Algorithm
Xinyu Wu(吴昕宇)
Electronic Engineering
Research Interests:
Social Network Deanonymization
Grade 2015
Yuhang Yao (姚宇航)
IEEE Pilot Class
Research Interests:
Cross-domain Correlation Analysis in Big Scholarly Networks
Community Classification& Detection
Jiaqi Liu
J. Liu ,L. Fu , J. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Xu,"Modeling Multicast Group in Wireless Social Networks: A Combination of Geographic and Non-geographic Perspective" to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2017.
J. Liu, Y. Yao, X. Fu, L. Fu, X. Wang, "Evolving K-Graph: Modeling Hybrid Interactions in Networks" in ACM MobiHoc 2017 poster , Chenai, India.
Xinzhe Fu
X. Fu, Z. Xu, Q. Peng,J.You, L. Fu, X. Wang and S. Lu,"ConMap: A Novel Framework for Optimizing Multicast Energy in Delay-constrained Mobile Wireless Networks" to appear in ACM MobiHoc 2017 , Chenai, India.
X. Fu, Z. Xu, Q. Peng, L. Fu, X. Wang,"Complexity vs. Optimality: Unraveling Source-Destination Connection in Uncertain Graphs" to appear in IEEE INFOCOM 2017 , Atlanta, GA, USA.
H. Gong, L. Fu, X. Fu, L. Zhao, K. Wang, X. Wang ,"Distributed Multicast Tree Construction in Wireless Sensor Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,2016.
J. Liu, Y. Yao, X. Fu, L. Fu, X. Wang, "Evolving K-Graph: Modeling Hybrid Interactions in Networks" in ACM MobiHoc 2017 poster , Chenai, India.
Jiayu Pan
J. Pan, Y. Yao,L. Fu, X. Wang, "Core Percolation in Coupled Networks" in ACM MobiHoc 2017 poster , Chenai, India.
[Code on ANAP]
Zhiying Xu
X. Fu, Z. Xu, Q. Peng,J.You, L. Fu, X. Wang and S. Lu,"ConMap: A Novel Framework for Optimizing Multicast Energy in Delay-constrained Mobile Wireless Networks" to appear in ACM MobiHoc 2017 , Chenai, India.
X. Fu, Z. Xu, Q. Peng, L. Fu, X. Wang,"Complexity vs. Optimality: Unraveling Source-Destination Connection in Uncertain Graphs" to appear in IEEE INFOCOM 2017 , Atlanta, GA, USA.
Xinyu Wu
X. Wu, Z. Hu, X. Fu, L. Fu, X. Wang and S. Lu, "Social Network De-anonymization with Overlapping Communities: Analysis, Algorithm and Experiments", to appear in IEEE INFOCOM 2018.[PDF]
Yuhang Yao
J. Liu, Y. Yao, X. Fu, L. Fu, X. Wang, "Evolving K-Graph: Modeling Hybrid Interactions in Networks" in ACM MobiHoc 2017 poster , Chenai, India.
J. Pan, Y. Yao,L. Fu, X. Wang, "Core Percolation in Coupled Networks" in ACM MobiHoc 2017 poster , Chenai, India.
[Code on ANAP]