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1.   M Wang, Ruimin Shen, D Novak, X Pan. The impact of mobile learning on students' learning behaviours and performance: Report from a large blended classroom, British Journal of Educational Technology 40 (4), 673-695, 2009.(top articles: 2016年排名第一, 2017年排名第四)

2.   C Ullrich, K Borau, H Luo, X Tan, L Shen, Ruimin Shen, Why web 2.0 is good for learning and for research: principles and prototypes,Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, 705-714,2008.

3.   Liping Shen, Minjuan Wang, Ruimin Shen, Affective e-learning: Using" emotional" data to improve learning in pervasive learning environment, Journal of Educational Technology & Society , 2009.

4.   Kerstin Borau, Carsten Ullrich, Jinjin Feng, Ruimin Shen, Microblogging for language learning: Using twitter to train communicative and cultural competence, International conference on web-based learning 2009.

5.   Fei Jiang, Xiao-Yang Liu, Hongtao Lu, Ruimin Shen, Efficient Multi-Dimensional Tensor Sparse Coding Using T-Linear Combination, AAAI, 2018

6.   Liping Shen, Minjuan Wang & Ruimin Shen, "Affective eLearning: Utilizing Emotion Data to Improve Learning in the Pervasive Environment", Educational Technology & Society, 12 (2), 176–189,2009.(best paper)

7.   Heng Luo, Changyong Niu, Ruimin Shen, Carsten Ullrich: Sparse Group Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Proceeding of the 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2011. San Francisco, California, USA.

8.   H Luo, C Niu, Ruimin Shen, C Ullrich, A collaborative filtering framework based on both local user similarity and global user similarity, Machine Learning 72 (3), 231-245, 2008.

9.   Ruimin Shen. M., Wang, M. J., Gao, W. P., Novak, D., Tang, L., (2009) Mobile Learning in a large blended computer science classroom: System function, pedagogies, and their impact on learning. IEEE Transactions on Education. 52(4), 538-546.

10.   Carsten Ullrich, Ruimin Shen, Ren Tong & Xiaohong Tan: A mobile live video learning system for large-scale learning system design and evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 3(1), 2010.

11.   Minjuan Wang & Ruimin Shen, (2012) Message Design for Mobile Learning: Learning Theories, Human Cognition, and Design Principles. British Journal of Education Technology (BJET). 43(4), 561-575.

12.   Xie, Weikai and Li, Yunfei and Lu, Chenping and Ruimin Shen, (2012), Optimizing The Resource-updating Period Behavior of HTTP Cache Servers for Better Scalability of Live HTTP Streaming Systems, Proceedings of the The IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2012.