The objective of this course project is allow students to have an in-depth understanding and more visible experience (via either simulations or hands-on experiments) with one of the topics covered in this class. There are five suggested projects and you can choose any one of them in the capacity of equipment. All these projects require a fair amount of work (read "lots of work").
At the end of the project it is expected that the students will make a practical demonstration and oral presentation, will turn in their properly commented code, and a written report both soft copy and hard copy. All the reports, demos, score sheets must be turned in no later than 5:00pm, June 19, 2016.
Project report: Each team is expected up up to 20-page, that includes the description of project, objectives, practical problems and solutions, software and hardware, results, explanations, conclusions, and references. The commented source code, specifications of software and hardware, and references are excluded in the report, but they are submitted as appendix.
Presentation and peer review: For demos and presentation, everyone is encouraged to participate, discuss, and score a peer review report. The participation and your comments count 5%. All arrangement will be posted on the Announcement page. Presentations will be scheduled on the due day of the project for peer review. Each group will have a 15-minute slot for presenting your project features and strength. 3 minutes will be remained for Q&A.
Grading: The projects from each person will be graded.
Except for simulation-based projects, hardware are needed for hands-on projects. We have a common list of resources that we can use for this lab. Each student will be able to check in and out different resources (e.g. iPAQ, notebook, GPS receivers, trucks, wireless cards, etc.) from the TA. If one resource is in short supply, the resource will have to be time-shared (e.g. returned after one week).
Anything you break you have to replace. For example a screen replacement for the iPAQs is around 2000RMB.
Anytime you check something out (from the TA.) you'll have to do the following two things: