
涂仕奎 特别研究员

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Machine learning, data mining, data fusion

Computational health, bioinformatics

Causal discovery

2006 - 2012, Ph.D., Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2002 - 2006, B.Sc. from School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University

2017 - present, Tenure-track associate professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2012 - 2017, Postdoctoral Associate, University of Massachusetts at Worcester

2019 Fall, 线性优化与凸优化(Linear optimization and convex optimization)

2019 Spring, 机器学习(Machine learning)

2018 Fall, 线性优化与凸优化(Linear optimization and convex optimization)

2018 Spring, 机器学习 (Machine learning)

2017 Fall, CS902 程序设计思想与方法(Python)

Peiying Li, Shikui Tu, and Lei Xu. "GAN Flexible Lmser for Super-resolution." In Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), pp. 756-764. ACM, 2019.  

Qingsong Xie, Shikui Tu, Guoxing Wang, Yong Lian and Lei Xu, "Feature Enrichment Based Convolutional Neural Network for Heartbeat Classification from Electrocardiogram," in IEEE Access 2019.  doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2948857  

Yongjie Wang, Lin Zeng, Chao Liang, Rui Zan, Weiping Ji, Zhichang Zhang, Yuxuan Wei, Shikui Tu#, and Yang Dong#. "Integrated analysis of transcriptome-wide m6A methylome of osteosarcoma stem cells enriched by chemotherapy." Epigenomics (2019) Oct. 25.   (# co-corresponding author)  

Yuze Guo, Wenjing Huang, Yajing Chen, and Shikui Tu#. "Regularize Network Skip Connections by Gating Mechanisms for Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation." In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), pp. 868-873. IEEE, 2019.  

Wenjing Huang, Shikui Tu, Lei Xu (2019). Revisit Lmser and its further development based on convolutional layers. arXiv:1904.06307 [cs, stat].  

Zhiwen Qiang, Hao Chen, Xiaopeng Zhu, Shikui Tu# (2018). HiVis: a portable, scalable tool for hierarchical visualization and analysis of biological networks, Applied Informatics 2018, 5:3  

Gen Zhang*, Shikui Tu*, Tianxiong Yu, Xiao-Ou Zhang, Swapnil S. Parhad, Zhiping Weng, William E. Theurkauf (2018). “Co-dependent Assembly of Drosophila piRNA Precursor Complexes and piRNA Cluster Heterochromatin,” Cell Reports, vol. 24, no. 13, p. 3413–3422.e4, Sep. 2018. (*co-first author)  

Gregory M Davis*, Shikui Tu*, Joshua WT Anderson*, Rhys N Colson, Menachem J Gunzburg, Michelle A Francisco, Debashish Ray, Sean P Shrubsole, Julia A Sobotka, Uri Seroussi, Robert X Lao, Tuhin Maity, Monica Z Wu, Katherine McJunkin, Quaid D Morris, Timothy R Hughes, Jacqueline A Wilce, Julie M Claycomb, Zhiping Weng, Peter R Boag (2018). The TRIM-NHL protein NHL-2 is a co-factor in the nuclear and somatic RNAi pathways in C. elegans. eLife 2018; 7:e35478 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.35478 (*co-first author)  

Jin-Xiong Lv, and Shikui Tu#. (2018). Integration of Data-Space and Statistics-Space Boundary-Based Test to Control the False Positive Rate. In International Conference on Intelligent Computing Methodologies, D.-S. Huang, M.M. Gromiha, K. Han, and A. Hussain, eds. (Springer International Publishing), pp. 628–638.

Donglei Zhang*, Shikui Tu*, Michael Stubna, Wei-Sheng Wu, Wei-Che Huang, Zhiping Weng, Heng-Chi Lee (2018). The rules for piRNA targeting reveal resistance of endogenous genes to piRNA silencing in C. elegans. Science, 359, 587-592, 2 February 2018 (*co-first author)  

Enzhi Shen, Hao Chen, Ahmet R. Ozturk, Shikui Tu, Masaki Shirayama, Wen Tang, Yue-He Ding, Si-Yuan Dai, Zhiping Weng, and Craig C. Mello (2018). Identification of piRNA Binding Sites Reveals the Argonaute Regulatory Landscape of the C. elegans Germline. Cell 172(5), 937–951.e18, 22 February 2018  

Weijian Long, Shikui Tu, and Lei Xu (2017), “A Comparative Study on Lagrange Ying-Yang Alternation Method in Gaussian Mixture-Based Clustering,” in Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2017, pp. 489–499, 2017  

Yajing Chen, Shikui Tu, Lei Xu (2017). The Prognostic Role of Genes with Skewed Expression Distribution in Lung Adenocarcinoma. In: Sun Y., Lu H., Zhang L., Yang J., Huang H. (eds) Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering (IScIDE 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10559. Springer, Cham  

Yajing Chen, Shikui Tu, Lei Xu (2017). Survival-Expression Map and Essential Forms of Survival-Expression Relations for Genes. In: Sun Y., Lu H., Zhang L., Yang J., Huang H. (eds) Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering (IScIDE 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10559. Springer, Cham  

Jin-Xiong Lv, Shikui Tu, Lei Xu (2017). A Comparative Study of Joint-SNVs Analysis Methods and Detection of Susceptibility Genes for Gastric Cancer in Korean Population. In: Sun Y., Lu H., Zhang L., Yang J., Huang H. (eds) Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering (IScIDE 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10559. Springer, Cham  

Wen Zhang, Xiang Yue, Feng Liu, Yanlin Chen, Shikui Tu, and Xining Zhang, “A unified frame of predicting side effects of drugs by using linear neighborhood similarity,” BMC Systems Biology, vol. 11, no. 6, p. 101, Dec. 2017.  

Longqiang Luo, Dingfang Li, Wen Zhang, Shikui Tu, Xiaopeng Zhu, Gang Tian. Accurate Prediction of Transposon-Derived piRNAs by Integrating Various Sequential and Physicochemical Features. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153268, 2016  

Wen Tang, Shikui Tu, Heng-Chi Lee, Zhiping Weng, Craig C. Mello. The RNase PARN-1 Trims piRNA 3′ Ends to Promote Transcriptome Surveillance in C. elegans. Cell, 164, 974-984, February 2016  

Shikui Tu, Monica Z Wu, Jie Wang, Asher D Cutter, Zhiping Weng, Julie M Claycomb. Comparative functional characterization of the CSR-1 22G-RNA pathway in Caenorhabditis nematodes. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (1): 208-224, 2014  

 Zhao Zhang, Jie Wang, Nadine Schultz, Fan Zhang, Swapnil S Parhad, Shikui Tu, Thom Vreven, Phillip D Zamore, Zhiping Weng, William E Theurkauf. The HP1 Homolog Rhino Anchors a Nuclear Complex that Suppresses piRNA Precursor Splicing. Cell 157(6):1353-1363, 2014  

Shikui Tu, and Lei Xu. Learning binary factor analysis with automatic model selection. Neurocomputing 134:149-158, 2014  

Lei Shi, Zhi-Yong Liu, Shikui Tu, and Lei Xu. Learning local factor analysis versus mixture of factor analyzers with automatic model selection. Neurocomputing 139:3-14, 2014  

Shikui Tu, Thoru Pederson, and Zhiping Weng. Networking development by Boolean logic. Nucleus 14:4(2), Feb 2013  

Shikui Tu and Lei Xu, A Theoretical Investigation of Several Model Selection Criteria for Dimensionality Reduction, Pattern Recognition Letters, 33(9): 1117-1126, 2012  

Shikui Tu, Runsheng Chen, and Lei Xu. Transcription Network Analysis by A Sparse Binary Factor Analysis Algorithm, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 9 (2):198, 2012  

Shikui Tu, Runsheng Chen and Lei Xu. A binary matrix factorization algorithm for protein complex prediction, Proteome Science 9(Suppl 1):S18, 2011  

Shikui Tu and Lei Xu. Parameterizations make different model selections: Empirical findings from factor analysis. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China 6(2):256-274, 2011  

Lei Shi, Shikui Tu and Lei Xu. Learning Gaussian mixture with automatic model selection: A comparative study on three Bayesian related approaches. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China 6(2):215-244, 2011  

Shikui Tu and Lei Xu. An investigation of several typical model selection criteria for detecting the number of signals. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China 6(2):245-255, 2011

第十四批中组部“千人计划”青年项目, 2018

PC member of ICML2018, IJCAI2018, PRCAI2018, ACML2017

Managing Editor:  Journal of Applied Informatics

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上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系版权所有 @ 2013