

董 笑菊 副教授


Office Telephone: +86-21-3420-5060

Office Address: SEIEE-3-529,常用邮箱:


Lab: BASICS实验室

  • Research
  • Education
  • Work Experience
  • Teaching Assignment
  • Publications
  • Project Fund
  • Awards
  • Academic Service


- Apr. 2000 – Apr. 2004 
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China 

- Sept. 1997 - Apr. 2000 
M.S. in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China 

- Sept. 1993 - Jul. 1997 
B.S. in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China

- 2018年4月至今


- 2004年4月至今 

- 2015年10月-2016年10月


- 2008年7月- 2009年1月

法国巴黎第七大学(Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7)PPS实验室,访问学者

Data Visualization and Visual Analytics;

Concurrency Theory;

Computational Thinking; 

Discrete Mathematics;

C++ Programming Language

1.   Yutong Yang, Yinuo Liu, Qishuo Bai, Tianyi Zhou, Ziduo Ye, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者). EmoGeoCity: Interactive Visual Exploration of City’s Historical and Cultural Evolution Based on Emotional Geography. PacificVis 2024: 102-111. [CCF-C][C]

2.   Junxiang Cao, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Zhiyuan Wu and Xuefei Tian. UBAViz: User Behavior Analyzing in Literature Resources by Modeling User Behavior Sequences. International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2024).

3.   Zhiyuan Wu, Junxiang Cao, Xuefei Tian, and Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者). SEBWatcher: Visual Analysis System for Subject, Environment and Behavior in Traffic Scenes. ICPCSEE 2024, Communications in Computer and Information Science

4.   Xuefei Tian, Zhiyuan Wu, Junxiang Cao, Shengtao Chen, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者).  ILIDViz: An Incremental Learning-Based Visual Analysis System for Network Anomaly Detection. Virtual Real. Intell. Hardw. 5(6): 471-489 (2023). [CCF-C, EI][J]

5.   Yinuo Liu, Yifan Li, Binhao Zhao, Tianyi Zhou, Shengtao Chen, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者): CAGviz: A Visual Analysis Method to Explore Cyber Asset Graphs of Cybercrime Gangs. CGI (3) 2023: 250-261. [CCF-C, EI][C]

6.   Yutong Yang, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Xuefei Tian, Yanling Zhang, Meng Zhou: MBTIviz: A Visualization System for Research on Psycho-Demographics and Personality. ICPCSEE (1) 2023: 259-276. [EI][C]

7.   钱爱娟,樊昕,董笑菊(通讯作者),袁晓如等. 基于社区发现的网络异常检测方法. 计算机学报,2022, 45(4): 825-837. [一级期刊] [CCF A] [J]

8.   徐璟, 董笑菊, 李新碗. 大学图书馆未来学习中心建设的思考与实践. 大学图书馆学报, 2022, 40(4): 12-18. [CSSCI][J]

9.  Aijuan Qian, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Yanling Zhang, Chenlu Li. RCDVis: interactive rare category detection on graph data.  Journal of Visualization, 2021.  [SCI] [J]

10. Yanling Zhang, Haolin Liu, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Chenlu Li, Zexi Zhang. HyIDSVis: hybrid intrusion detection visualization analysis based on rare category and association rules. Journal of Visualization, 2021.  [SCI] [J]

11. Aijuan Qian, Chenlu Li, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者),Shentao Chen, Yanling Zhang.  SLAMVis: An Interactive Visualization Approach for Smart Labeling on Multidimensional Data, The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA 2021) [CCF-C, EI] [C]

12. Shiying Sheng, Shengtao Chen, Xiaoju Dong (通讯作者), Chunyuan Wu, and Xiaoru Yuan. Inverse Markov Process Based Constrained Dynamic Graph Layout, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 36(3), 707-718, 2021. [CCF-B,SCI] [J]

13. Datong Wei, Chenlu Li, Hanning Shao, Zijing Tan, Zhixian Lin, Xiaoju Dong, Xiaoru Yuan. SensorAware: visual analysis of both static and mobile sensor information.  Journal of Visualization, 24(3), 597-613 (2021) [SCI] [J]

14. Chenlu Li, Xiaoju Dong (通讯作者), Wei Liu, Shiying Sheng, Aijuan Qian. SSRDVis: Interactive visualization for event sequences summarization and rare detection. Journal of Visualization, 23(1), 171-184, 2020.  [SCI] [J]

15.  Xuefei Tian, Chenlu Li, Aijuan Qian, Xiaoju Dong (通讯作者). IntruDTS: Interactive Visual Analysis System for Intrusion Detection in Time Series,In proceeding: the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-2020), 17-19 December 2020. England, UK. [CCF-C, EI] [C]

16. Chunyuan Wu, Aijuan Qian, Xiaoju Dong (通讯作者) and Yanling Zhang. Feature-oriented Design of Visual Analytics System for Interpretable Deep Learning based Intrusion Detection. In proceeding: the 14th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE-2020), 11-13 December, 2020, Hangzhou, China. [CCF-C, EI] [C]

17.  钱爱娟 董笑菊(通讯作者)  沈绮文  李晨璐  施晓华. 高校图书馆用户画像与行为可视化分析, 图书馆杂志, 2020, 39(10): 82-88. (CSSCI,北大核心期刊)

18.  Shiying Sheng, Chunyuan Wu,Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者),Shengtao Chen. An Analysis on Online Dynamic Graph Layout using Parallel Computing. In: 17th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA2019), 1092-1098.(EI国际会议,CCF C类)

19.  Shiying Sheng, Xiaoju Dong and Chunyuan Wu. Online dynamic graph drawing with inverse Markov analysis. In: the 12th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI2019), 28:1-28:2.(ACM国际会议)

20.  Xin Fan, Chenlu Li, Xiaoru Yuan, Xiaoju Dong, Jie Liang. An interactive visual analytics approach for network anomaly detection through smart labeling. Journal of Visualization, 2019, 22(5): 955-971.

21.  Xiaoju Dong, Yuxi Fu, Daniele Varacca. Extensional Petri net. Formal Aspects of Computing. 2019, 31(1): 47-58. (期刊, SCI, CCF B类)

22.  Xin Fan, Chenlu Li, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者). A real-time network security visualization system based on incremental learning. Journal of Visualization, 2019, 22(1): 215-229.(期刊, SCI)

23.  张浩城, 吴晓洁, 唐翔, 舒润萱, 丁天琛, 董笑菊(通讯作者). 基于可视分析的网络异常检测系统. 网络与信息安全学报,2018, 4(2): 40-54.(期刊)

24.  Chunyuan Wu,Shiying Sheng, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者).Research on visualization systems for ddos attack detection.The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2018),2018:2986-2991. (会议, EI)

25.  Wei Liu, Xinying Han, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Zhiwen Qiang, Xuwei Chen. Visual Analysis of Scientific Life of Scholars Based on Digital Humanities. In: Xu Z., Gao X., Miao Q., Zhang Y., Bu J. (eds) Big Data. Big Data 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018, 945, 461-473. Springer, Singapore.(会议,EI)

26.  Haocheng Zhang, Xiang Tang, Chenlu Li, Yiming Bian, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Xin Fan. PBSVis: A Visual System for Studying Behavior Patterns of Pseudo Base Stations. ICPCSEE (1) 2018: 599-610. (会议, EI)

27.  Haocheng Zhang, Wei Liu, Hao Xiong, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者): Analyzing data flow diagrams by combination of formal methods and visualization techniques. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 2018,48: 41-51.(期刊, SCI)

28.  Chenlu Li, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Xiaoru Yuan: Metro-Wordle: An Interactive Visualization for Urban Text Distributions Based on Wordle. Visual Informatics,2018, 2(1): 50-59(期刊)

29.  Xin Fan, Wenjie Luo, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Rui Su: A Network Visualization System for Anomaly Detection and Attack Tracing. ICPCSEE (1), 2018: 560-574 (会议, EI)

30.  Mengxuan Sun, Xiaoju Dong, Fan Wu, Guihai Chen. An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Fingerprint-Based Localization Scheme Employing Oblivious Transfer. MSN 2017: 110-132.(会议,EI)

31.  Xiang Tang, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Hengjia Zhang. CWordle: A Visual Analytics System for Extracting the Topics of Speech. In: IC4S 2017, Advances in Computer Communication and Computational Sciences. vol 760. Springer, Singapore, 2018: 85-95.(会议,EI)

32.  Hao Xiong, Haocheng Zhang, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者), Lingxi Meng, Wenyang Zhao: DFDVis: A Visual Analytics System for Understanding the Semantics of Data Flow Diagram. ICPCSEE(1), 2017: 660-673.(会议, EI)

33.  张毅凡, 董笑菊(通讯作者). 分布式拒绝服务的可视分析. 网络与信息安全学报, 2017, 3(2): 53-65. (期刊)

34.  Xiang Wang, Zhenzhe Zheng, Fan Wu, Xiaoju Dong, Shaojie Tang, Guihai Chen: Strategy-Proof Data Auctions with Negative Externalities: (Extended Abstract). AAMAS 2016: 1269-1270. (会议)

35.  Licong Deng, Xiaoju Dong(通讯作者). A survey of Dynamic Graph Visualization. ChinaVis2016.

36.  Xiaoju Dong, Yuxi Fu, Daniele Varacca. Place Bisimulation and Liveness for Open Petri Nets. In:  SETTA2016, LNCS 9984, Springer, 2016:1-17.(会议,EI)

37.  李彦龙,李国强,董笑菊(通讯作者). 树比较可视化方法综述. 软件学报, 2016, 27(5):1074-1090(期刊,一级)

38.  Jianxin Xue, Xiaoju Dong. New Approach to Proving Local Cause Bisimulation Axiomatically. The  Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE2012), 2012: 199-203. (会议,EI)

39.  Jianxin Xue, Xiaoju Dong. A Fully Abstract View for Local Cause Semantics. The 7th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2012), LNCS 7296, 2012: 198-209.(会议,EI)

40.  Zhenhua Dong, Xiaoju Dong. Representing Bounded Petri Nets by Process Calculi. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2011, 45(7): 980-984. (in Chinese with English abstract)

41.  Chunyi Huang, Xiaoju Dong. Maximally parallel attribute on P systems: properties and applications. Pre-proceedings of the International Conference Bio-Inspired Computing--Theory and Applications, 2007. Also in Progress in Natural Science. 2008, 18(5): 629-632.

42.  Chunyi Huang, Xiaoju Dong, Huan Long. Solving the sort problem using a P system. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2008, 42(2): 206-208. (in Chinese with English abstract)

43.  Xian Xu, Xiaoju Dong. Study on a new variant of tissue P systems. Science of Computer, 2008. (in Chinese with English abstract)

44.  Min Zhang, Zhengwei Qi, Xiaoju Dong. Executable Specification of P Systems with Active Membranes and Its Implementation. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2008. (in Chinese with English abstract)

45.  Qing Zhuang, Xiaojuan Cai, Xiaoju Dong, Zhengwei Qi. A Verification Tool for Security Protocol on GSPM. Computer Engineering. 2008. (in Chinese with English abstract)

46.  Xiaoju Dong, Yuxi Fu. Barbed Congruence of Asymmetry and Mismatch. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 22(4), 2007: 575-579.

47.  Xian Xu, Xiaoju Dong and Yuxi Fu. A Model in kappa for DNA Addition. Proceedings of Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi, July 9, 2006 (MeCBIC2006). Also in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 171(2), 2007: 209-222.

48.  Yang Pu, Xiaoju Dong. Continuous simulation of biomolecular systems based on process calculus. In Proc. of International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 25-27, 2007.

49.  Dan Li, Min Zhang, Xiaoju Dong.  κ-Calculus Model for the Life-Cycle of Lambda Phage. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2007: 42-22. (in Chinese with English abstract)

50.  Xiaoju Dong and Yuxi Fu. Barbed Congruence of the Asymmetric Chi Calculus. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 13(4), 2006: 444-451.

51.  Xiaoju Dong, Jiahua Ni, Yuxi Fu. Modeling the biological and chemical reactive processes using process calculi. The Annual Conference of Theoretical Computer Science of China, 2006. (in Chinese)

52.  Yang Pu, Xiaoju Dong. The simulation and analysis of the tile self-assemble. The Annual Conference of Theoretical Computer Science of China, 2006. (in Chinese).

53.  Yang Pu, Yanbin Yu, Xiaoju Dong. Simulation of biomolecular processes by using stochastic P systems. In Proc. of International Workshop on High Performance Computing in the Life Sciences (HPCLife), Ouro Preto, Brazil, 2006.

54.  Farong Zhong, Yuxi Fu, Xiaoju Dong. Bisimulation Congruence for Asymmetric χ≠-Calculus. Proceedings-Fifth International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing,2006: 173-184.

55.  Yonggen Gu, Yuxi Fu, Yang Li, Xiaoju Dong. A Generic Model for Symbolic Analyzing Security Protocols. CIT 2005, IEEE, 2005: 680-684.

56.  Xiaoju Dong, Yuxi Fu, Xu Xian. A Survey of Systems Biology Formal Models. The Annual Conference of Theoretical Computer Science of China. 2005. (in Chinese)

57.  Zhupeng Dong, Xiaoju Dong, Xian Xu, Yuxi Fu, Zhizhou Zhang, Lin He. An Implementation for Mapping SBML to BioSPI. FSKD(2), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 3614, 2005: 1128-1131.

58.  Zhupeng Dong, Xiaoju Dong,Jiahua Ni. Research on Systems Biology Models Conversion. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 39(8), 2005: 1280–1283. (in Chinese with English Abstract)

59.  Yuxi Fu, Xiaoju Dong. Formalizing the Environment View of Process Equivalence. The International Symposium on Computational and Information Sciences (CIS’04), Shanghai, December 16-18, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3314, 2004: 336-345.

60.  Xiaoju Dong, Farong Zhong and Yuxi Fu. Bisimulation Lattice of Asymmetric Chi Calculus with Mismatch. High Technology Letters, 9(4), 2003: 50-55.

61.  Xiaoju Dong and Yuxi Fu. Observing Asymmetry and Mismatch. In A Ohori, APLAS 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2895, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 27-29, Beijing, China, 2003: 2-19.

62.  Xiaoju Dong and Guochang Gu. AUV Global Path Planning Allowing for Ocean Current. In Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, IEEE Press, June28---July 2, Hefei, China, 2000: 1230-1234.

63. Xiaoju Dong, Jingyu Liu, Guochang Gu. Implementation of Motion-viewing Simulation Based on OpenGL. Computer Engineering, 25(12), 1999: 25-26.


1) 英特尔:深度学习模型可解释性,2022年1月-2023年12月,PI

2) 华为:IOT网络安全数据异常检测问题研究,2021年7月-2021年12月,PI

3) 国家级科技部重点研发计划:数据识别、分析处理与挖掘及相关软件开发,2017年7月 - 2021年6月,Co-PI

4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:良序下推系统理论及其在并发程序分析中的应用,2015年1月 - 2018年12月,Co-PI

5) 成都某研究所:网络综合态势展示和可视分析研究,2017年1月 - 2018年12月,Co-PI

6) 企业单位委托项目:补贴策略的博弈分析联合创新组,2017年 – 2018年, Co-PI

7) 中国计算机学会-启明星辰鸿雁科研计划:结合机器学习的网络安全数据可视化分析,2016年10月 - 2017年9月,PI

8) 西南电子电信技术研究所:复杂通信业务概览可视化技术,2015年1月 - 2016年12月, Co-PI

9) 国家自然科学基金:并发模型的相对表达能力研究,负责人,2012年1月 - 2014年12月,PI

10) 国家自然科学基金重点项目:M-可解性、M-计算复杂性与计算机科学的模型理论,2011年1月 - 2014年12月,Co-PI

11) 上海市自然科学基金:基于组织P系统的并发系统建模和分析,2010年4月 - 2012年3月,PI

12) 企业单位委托科技项目,上海虹速企业管理咨询项目,2011年12月 - 2012年12月,PI

13) 上海市科委重点科技攻关项目:珍贵历史音频资料修复与数字化保存技术研究,2008年5月 - 2009年10月,Co-PI


1) 中国可视化与可视分析大会挑战赛一等奖(唯一),2024

2) 中国可视化与可视分析大会挑战赛提名奖,2023

3) 基于知识图谱的潜在学科交叉合作关系研究. 优秀论文奖,第十五届图书馆管理与服务创新论坛,清华大学,2022.11
4) 知识图谱馆藏图书推荐系统,算法优胜奖,第七届上海图书馆开放数据竞赛,2022.10

5)黑灰产网络资产图谱分析及治理问题,三等奖1项,优胜奖3项,ChinaVis2022 中国可视化与可视分析大会-数据安全可视分析赛道,2022.07

6) 2021年度上海市育才奖

7) 中国可视化与可视分析大会挑战赛二等奖1项(2/96),三等奖1项(6/96,本科生队伍),优秀奖1项(22/96,本科生队伍),2021
8) 慧源共享上海高校开放数据创新研究大赛三等奖1项,优秀指导教师奖,2021
9) 中国可视化与可视分析大会挑战赛三等奖1项,优秀奖2项,2020
10) 慧源共享上海高校开放数据创新研究大赛二等奖、创意奖1,优秀指导教师奖,2020
11) 第十三届图书馆管理与服务创新论坛征文评选二等奖,2020
12) IEEE VIS-Visual Analytics Science and Technology(VAST)挑战赛Award for Outstanding Comprehensive Submission for MC2,2019
13) 中国可视化与可视分析大会挑战赛三等奖1项,优秀奖3项,2019
14) 慧源共享上海高校开放数据创新研究大赛二等奖,优秀指导教师奖,2019
15) 中国可视化与可视分析大会挑战赛三等奖,2018

16) 中国可视化与可视分析大会挑战赛三等奖,优秀奖,2017

17) 中国计算机学会-启明星辰鸿雁科研计划优秀课题奖(唯一),2017

18) 中国可视化与可视分析大会挑战赛三等奖,2016

  • 上海交通大学-江苏嘉图未来图书馆智慧服务联合研发中心执行主任
  • 教育部-微软重点实验室智能计算与智能系统学术秘书
  • 中国计算机学会杰出会员、理事
  • 中国计算机学会青年工作委员会执行委员
  • 中国计算机学会女计算机工作者委员会执行委员
  • 中国计算机学会数字图书馆编审委员会
  • 中国计算机学会上海分部监督委员会主席
  • 中国计算机学会青年计算机科技论坛(CCF YOCSEF)总部学术委员会副主席
  • 中国计算机学会青年计算机科技论坛上海2011-2012年度主席、荣誉委员
  • 中国计算机学会形式化方法专委委员
  • 中国图象图形学会可视化与可视分析专委会常务委员,科普组组长
  • 上海市计算机学会副秘书长、青年工作委员会副主任、理论计算机专委副主任
  • 上海市图书馆学会数字人文专委会副主任


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