

Ding Ning Associate Professor


Office Telephone: +86-21-3420-5238

Office Address: SEIEE-3-324


Lab: Cryptology and Computer Security Laboratory

  • Research
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I am interested in cryptography, computational learning theory and complexity theory.
1996 - 2000, Central South University, Bachelor
2000 - 2003, Central South University, Master 
2004 - 2009, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D

I am now an associate professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before this, I worked as assistant researcher and postdoc at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and postdoc at NTT Secure Platform Laboratories Japan.

Since 2014,

[Ding19] Ning Ding. On Exactly Learning Disjunctions and DNFs Without Equivalence Queries. The 25nd International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2019), LNCS 11653, pages 153-165, 2019.

[CLL+18] Fengjun Chen, Zhiqiang Liu, Yu Long, Zhen Liu, Ning Ding. Secure Scheme Against Compromised Hash in Proof-of-Work Blockchain. NSS 2018: 1-15, 2018.

[Ding17] Ning Ding. Agnostically Learning Boolean Functions with Finite Polynomial Representation. The 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2017), LIPIcs 92, 29:1-29:11, 2017.

[DRG17a] Ning Ding, Yanli Ren, Dawu Gu. PAC Learning Depth-3 AC0 Circuits of Bounded Top Fanin. The 28th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2017), PMLR 76: 667-680, 2017.

[DRG17b] Ning Ding, Yanli Ren, Dawu Gu. Learning AC0 Under k-dependent Distributions. The 14th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC 2017), LNCS 10185, pages 187-200, 2017.

[LDL+17] Xiangmin Li, Ning Ding, Haining Lu, Dawu Gu, Shanshan Wang, Beibei Xu, Yuan Yuan, Siyun Yan. A Modified Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault Based on Pair-Polar Minutiae Structures. INSCRYPT 2017, LNCS 10726, pages 482-499, 2017.

[DRG16] Ning Ding, Yanli Ren, Dawu Gu. Four-Round Zero-Knowledge Arguments of Knowledge with Strict Polynomial-Time Simulation from Differing-Input Obfuscation for Circuits. The 22nd International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2016), LNCS 9797, pages 281-292, 2016.

[RDW+16] Yanli Ren, Ning Ding, Tian-Yin Wang, Haining Lu, Dawu Gu. New Algorithms for Verifiable Outsourcing of Bilinear Pairings. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 59(9): 99-103, 2016.

[RDZ+16a] Yanli Ren, Ning Ding, Xinpeng Zhang, Haining Lu, Dawu Gu. Identity-Based Encryption with Verifiable Outsourced Revocation. The Computer Journal, 59(11): 1659-1668, 2016.

[RDZ+16b] Yanli Ren, Ning Ding, Xinpeng Zhang, Haining Lu, Dawu Gu. Verifiable Outsourcing Algorithms for Modular Exponentiations with Improved Checkability. ASIACCS 2016, pages 293-303, 2016.

[Ding15a] Ning Ding. Some New Consequences of the Hypothesis that P Has Fixed Polynomial-size Circuits. TAMC 2015, LNCS 9076, pages 75-86, 2015.

[Ding15b] Ning Ding. On Zero-knowledge with Strict Polynomial-time Simulation and Extraction from Differing-input Obfuscation for Circuits. ICITS 2015, LNCS 9063, pages 51-68, 2015.

[Ding14a] Ning Ding. 3-round Public-coin Bounded-auxiliary-input Zero-knowledge Arguments of Knowledge. INSCRYPT 2014, LNCS 8957, pages 130-149, 2015.

[Ding14b] Ning Ding. Obfuscation-based Non-black-box Extraction and Constant-round Zero-knowledge Arguments of Knowledge. ISC 2014, LNCS 8783, pages 120-139, Springer, 2014.


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