

盛 斌 教授


Office Telephone: +86-21-34207642

Office Address: SEIEE-3-511


Lab: 可视媒体与数据管理实验室

  • Research
  • Education
  • Work Experience
  • Teaching Assignment
  • Publications
  • Project Fund
  • Awards
  • Academic Service

1. Image-based Modeling and Rendering, Animation,  Image Processing,  Natural Phenomenon Simulation/Non-photorealistic Rendering, GPU Processing,.

2. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality

3. Data Visualization and Biomedical Imaging

4.  Computer Vision and Deep Learning for Medical Big Data


Looking for highly motivated, talented graduate students (both M.Sc and PhD students) for cutting-edge research in graphics, virtual reality, multimedia, deep learning, artificial  intelligence,  and GPU Processing!


 Looking for excellent PhD students for conducting exciting and collabrative research with Microsoft Research Asia (under the supervision of Prof. Guo Baining)


Looking for excellent PhD students for conducting exciting and collabrative research with University of Syndey (under the supervision of Prof. David Dagan Feng)


Looking for excellent PostDoc/Research Fellow  for conducting the research of visual media analysis, artificial intellengence, and smart healthcare technologies. The PostDoc salary is 180,000CNY-400,000CNY per year (~30,000USD-60,000USD per year)


Ph.D   Computer Science & Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011 (Advisor: Prof. SUN Hanqiu)
M.Sc   Computer and Information Science,  University of Macau, 2007

(Advisor: Prof. WU Enhua)

B.Eng.  Computer Science,  Huazhong University of Science and Technology,    2004

B.A(Dual Degree)  English,   Huazhong University of Science and Technology,    2004  

Adjunct Professor: Sungkyunkwan University, Korea 2013-Present
Vice Director: Institue of Computer Application (SJTU) 2013-Present
Director: Visual Media and Data Management Lab. (SJTU) 2012-Present
Vice Director. Lab For Digital Media and Data Reconstruction (SJTU) 2011-

Technical Consultant: Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) 2012-Present
Research Assistant: University of Macau 2007
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2007-2009
Teaching Assistant: University of Macau 2004-2007
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2009-2010

Visting scholar:

Inst. of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Winter/Summer, 2005-2009, 2012

Inst. of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012.08
University of Tokyo. Japan 2009.12
TU Braunschweig, Germany 2010.07

1. Scientific Data Visualization (

2. Computer Animation Modeling and Rendering
3. Computer Animation Design and Rendering
4. Practice on Computer Animation
5. Software Engineering


Selected Publications:

[01]  Sheng B., Li P., Fang X. ,Tan P, Wu E. (2019). Depth-Aware Motion Deblurring Using Loopy Belief Propagation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (SCI). Online publish.

[02]   Chen Z , Wang J., Sheng B., Li P., Feng D. (2019). Illumination-Invariant Video Cut-Out Using Octagon Sensitive Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (SCI), PP. 1-1.

[03]   Masood S(International PhD student), Fang R., Li P., Li H., Sheng B., Mathavan A., Wang X., Yang P., Qin Jin, Jia W. (2019). Automatic Choroid Layer Segmentation from Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Deep Learning. Scientific Reports (SCI). Springer-Nature 9.

[04]  Zhang B., Sheng B., Li P and Lee T, "Depth of Field Rendering Using Multilayer-Neighborhood Optimization," in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics(SCI). Online publish

[05]  Wen Y., Sheng B., Ping Li P., Weiyao Lin W., Feng D.: Deep Color Guided Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Network Cascade for Depth Image Super-Resolution. IEEE Trans. Image Processing (SCI), 28(2): 994-1006 (2019)

[06]   Aouaidjia Kamel(International PhD student), Bowen Liu, Ping Li, Bin Sheng: An Investigation of 3D Human Pose Estimation for Learning Tai Chi: A Human Factor Perspective. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction (SCI) 35(4-5): 427-439 (2019)

[07]   Nadeem C M l(International PhD student) , Nazir A.(International PhD student) , Sheng B.  Li P., Qin J., Feng D. (2019). Liver Extraction Using Residual Convolution Neural Networks from Low-Dose CT Images. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering(SCI). Online publish.

[08] Chen Z, Gao T., Sheng B., Li P., L. Philip Chen, C. (2018). Outdoor Shadow Estimating Using Multiclass Geometric Decomposition Based on BLS. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics(SCI), online publish

[09]  Liu B., Ping Li, Sheng B., Nie Y., Wu E.: Structure-preserving image completion with multi-level dynamic patches. The Visual Computer(SCI) 35(1): 85-98 (2019)

[10]   Sheng B., Li P., Fu H., Ma L., Wu E. Efficient non-incremental constructive solid geometry evaluation for triangular meshes. Graphical Models(SCI)97: 1-16 (2018).

[11]   Sheng B., Li P, Gao C., Ma K-L, Deep Neural Representation Guided Face Sketch Synthesis, IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics (SCI), online publish

[12] Aouaidjia K. (International PhD student), Sheng B., Yang P., Li P. et al.  Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition Using Depth Maps and Postures, IEEE Trans. Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems (SCI), online publish

[13]  Sheng B., Li P., Mo S, Li, H., Hou, X, Wu, Q., Qin, J., Fang, R, Feng, D. Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel Tree Detector. IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (SCI). Online Publish.

[14]  Zhang P., Zheng L., Jiang Y., Mao L. Li Z., Sheng B., Tracking soccer players using spatio-temporal context learning under multiple views. Multimedia Tools Appl.(SCI) 77(15): 18935-18955 (2018)

[15] Ren X, Lyu L, He X., Cao W., Yang Z., Sheng B., Zhang Y., Wu E., Biorthogonal Wavelet Surface Reconstruction Using Partial Integrations, Computer Graphics Forum (SCI), online publish.

[16]   Chen Z., Jin Y., Sheng B., Li P., Sun H: Parallel Pencil Drawing Stylization via Structure-Aware Optimization. CASA 2018 (short paper): 32-37

[17]   Li X., Sheng B., Li P., Kim J., Feng D.: Voxelized Facial Reconstruction Using Deep Neural Network. CGI 2018(short paper): 1-4

[18]   Sheng B, Liu B., Li P, Fu H, Ma L., Wu E. Accelerated robust Boolean operations based on hybrid representations, Computer Aided Geometric Design (SCI) 62: 133-153 (2018).

[19]   Xiao H. , Lin W., Sheng B. , Lu K. , Yan J. , Wang J. , Ding E. , Zhang Y, , Xiong H., Group Re-Identification: Leveraging and Integrating Multi-Grain Information, ACM Multimedia 2018(regular paper), online publish.

[20]   Cheema M (International PhD Student), Nazir A (International PhD Student) , Sheng B., Li P, Qin J., Kim J, Feng D. Image-Aligned Dynamic Liver Reconstruction Using Intra-Operative Field of Views for Minimal Invasive Surgery. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (SCI). Online Publish.

[21] Masood, A.(International PhD student) , Sheng B., , Li P, Hou X, Wei, X, Qin J, Feng D. Computer-Assisted Decision Support System in Pulmonary Cancer detection and stage classification on CT images. Journal of biomedical informatics(SCI). 79. 10.1016/j.jbi.2018.01.005.2018

[22]  Masood S.(International PhD student), Sheng B, Li P, Shen R, Fang R., Wu Q.: Automatic choroid layer segmentation using normalized graph cut. IET Image Processing(SCI) 12(1): 53-59 (2018)

[23] Karambakhsh A(International PhD student), Kamel A(International PhD student), Sheng B., Li P., Yang P., Feng D., Deep gesture interaction for augmented anatomy learning, International Journal of Information Management(SSCI) , online publish, 2018,

[24]   Hu Q., Sun H., Li P., Shen R., Sheng B. . Illumination-aware live videos background replacement using antialiasing optimization. Multimedia Tools and Applications(SCI).(5), 1-21. 2018

[25]   Hengliang Zhu, Sheng B, Zhiwen Shao, Yangyang Hao, Xiao-Nan Hou, Lizhuang Ma:  Better initialization for regression-based face alignment. Computers & Graphics(SCI), 70: 261-269 (2018)

[26]   H. Li, G. Wu, Q.Fang, M. Zhang, X. Hui, Sheng B., L. Wu, Y. Bao, P. Li, A. Xu, and W. Jia, Fibroblast growth factor 21 increases insulin sensitivity through specific expansion of subcutaneous fat,. Nature Communications(SCI) ,2018, 9(1):272.

[27]   Z. Cheng, Q. Yang, Sheng B.: Colorization Using Neural Network Ensemble. IEEE Trans. Image Processing (SCI) 26(11): 5491-5505 (2017)

[28]   Dai L., Sheng B, Wu Q, Li H, Hou X, Jia WP, Fang R. Retinal Microaneurysm Detection Using Clinical Report Guided Multi-Sieving CNN. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Quebec, Canada, Sep. 2017..

[29]   Qiao C, Lau R, Sheng B, et al. Temporal Coherence-Based Deblurring Using Non-Uniform Motion Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (SCI), 2017, 26(10): 4991-5004.

[30]   B, Li P, Sheng B, Wu E. Image completion with dynamic patches.  Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI). ACM, 2017: 3.

[31]   Chen Z, Wang Z, Sheng B, et al. Dynamic RGB-to-CMYK conversion using visual contrast optimisation. IET Image Processing (SCI), 2017, 11(7): 539-549.

[32]   Xie X., Ding S., Sheng B., Ma L.: Integrated tone and structure refinement for high-fidelity colour transfer. IET Image Processing(SCI) 11(12): 1281-1290 (2017)

[33]   Liu L Liu X, Sheng B, et al. Incremental collision-free feathering for animated surfaces. Visual Computer (SCI), 2017, 33(6-8): 883-890.

[34]   Tao Y, Shen Y, Sheng B, et al. Video Decolorization Using Visual Proximity Coherence Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (SCI), 2017, to appear.

[35]   Qu M, Ni C, Chen M, Sheng B. et al. Automatic diabetic retinopathy diagnosis using adjustable ophthalmoscope and multi-scale line operator. Pervasive and Mobile Computing(SCI) 41: 490-503 (2017)

[36]   Wang R, Li P, Sheng B, et al. Real-time video stylization using spatial-temporal Gabor filtering. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and ITS Applications in Industry. ACM, 2016: 299-307.

[37]   Lyu H, Li P, Yan R, Sheng B et al. Load forecast of resource scheduler in cloud architecture. International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing, 2016: 508-512.

[38]   Wang R, Zheng L, Xiong C, Sheng B et al. Retinal optic disc localization using convergence tracking of blood vessels. Multimedia Tools & Applications (SCI), 2016: 1-23.

[39]   Jiang F, Li H, Hou X, Sheng B et al. Abdominal adipose tissues extraction using multi-scale deep neural network. Neurocomputing (SCI), 2016, 229(C): 23-33.

[40]   Fang X, Sheng B, Li P, et al. Automatic GUI test by using SIFT matching. China Communications (SCI), 2016, 13(9): 227-236.

[41]   Chen Z, Dai C, Jiang L, Sheng B. et al. Structure-aware Image Inpainting Using Patch Scale Optimization. Journal of Visual Communication & Image Representation (SCI), 2016, 40: 312-323.

[42]   Zhu H, Sheng B, Lin X, et al. Foreground Object Sensing for Saliency Detection. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. ACM, 2016: 111-118.

[43]   Eladdad A(International Master Student), Elhaddad F(International Master Student), Sheng B, et al. Real-Time Cloud Simulation Using Lennard-Jones Approximation. International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents. ACM, 2016: 131-137.

[44]   Ding S, Sheng B, Hou X, et al. Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Multi‐Scale Measurements and Sparsity, Computer Graphics Forum (SCI) 36(6): 251-261 (2017).

[45]   Wang R., Zheng L., Xiong C, Qiu C, Li H., Hou X., Sheng B., Li P., Wu Q.: Retinal optic disc localization using convergence tracking of blood vessels. Multimedia Tools Appl.(SCI) 76(22): 23309-23331 (2017)

[46] Ding S, Sheng B, Xie Z, et al. Intrinsic image estimation using near-L0 sparse optimization. Visual Computer (SCI), 2016, 33(3): 355-369.

[47]   Jiang X, Sheng B, Lin W, et al. Antialiased super-resolution with parallel high-frequency synthesis. Multimedia Tools & Applications (SCI), 2015, 76(1): 543-560.

[48]   Cheng Z, Yang Q, Sheng B. Deep Colorization. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV) , 2015: 415-423.

[49]   Chen Z H, Liu Y, Sheng B, et al. Image saliency detection using Gabor texture cues. Multimedia Tools & Applications (SCI), 2015, 75(24): 16943-16958.

[50]   P Lu, X Jiang, W Lu, et al. Fast, Exact and Robust Set Operations on Polyhedrons Using Localized Constructive Solid Geometry Trees. ZTE Communications, 2015,13(3): 57-66.

[51]   Yin B, Li H, Sheng B, et al. Vessel extraction from non-fluorescein fundus images using orientation-aware detector. Medical Image Analysis (SCI), 2015, 26(1): 232-242.

[52]   Yi J, Sheng B, Shen R, et al. Real Time Learning Evaluation Based on Gaze Tracking. International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics. IEEE, 2015: 157-164.

[53]   Qin L, Sheng B, Lin W, et al. GPU-Accelerated Video Background Subtraction Using Gabor Detector. Journal of Visual Communication & Image Representation (SCI), 2015, 32(C): 1-9.

[54]   Han X, Zhang C, Lin W, Xu M, Sheng B, Mei T et al. Tree-Based Visualization and Optimization for Image Collection. IEEE Trans Cybern. (SCI), 2015, 46(6): 1286-1300.

[55]   Pei S, Huang X, Sheng B, et al. A Novel Visualization Method of Power Transmission Lines. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data. IEEE Computer Society, 2015: 358-361.

[56]   Huang X, Sheng B, Shen R, et al. Rolling Shutter Effect Compensation with Global Waves Analysis. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data. IEEE Computer Society, 2015: 330-336.

[57]   Xia L, Sheng B, Li P, et al. Potential for Augmented Reality in Education: An Overview. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Intelligent Educational Environments, 2015, 1(2): e2.

[58]   Qiao S, Fang X, Sheng B, et al. Structure-aware QR Code abstraction. Visual Computer (SCI), 2015, 31(6-8): 1123-1133. (CGI 2015 Best Paper)

[59]   Yang Y, Sheng B, Wu W, et al. Image saliency detection based on rectangular-wave spectrum analysis. Multimedia Tools & Applications (SCI), 2015, 75(11): 6173-6187.

[60]   Du H, He S, Sheng B, et al. Saliency-Guided Color-to-Gray Conversion Using Region-Based Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (SCI), 2015, 24(1): 434-443.

[61]   Liu D, Sheng B, Hou F, et al. From Wireless Positioning to Mobile Positioning: An Overview of Recent Advances. IEEE Systems Journal (SCI), 2014, 8(4): 1249-1259.

[62]   Zhang X, Xue W, Wang Z, Sheng B. et al. Saliency-based depth-of-field rendering with flash and non-flash pairs. Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry. ACM, 2014: 133-140.

[63]   Xia L, Sheng B, Wu W, et al. Accurate gaze tracking from single camera using Gabor corner detector. Multimedia Tools & Applications (SCI), 2014, 75(1): 221-239.

[64]   Jiang X, Sheng B, Lin W, et al. Image anti-aliasing techniques for Internet visual media processing: a review. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C (SCI), 2014, 15(9): 717-728.

[65]   Wang W, Lin W, Chen Y, Sheng B. et al. Finding Coherent Motions and Semantic Regions in Crowd Scenes: A Diffusion and Clustering Approach. Computer Vision – ECCV 2014. Springer International Publishing, 2014: 756-771.

[66]   Sheng B, Meng W, Sun H, et al. Perception-motivated multiresolution rendering on sole-cube maps. Multimedia Tools & Applications (SCI), 2014, 72(1): 231-252.

[67]   Lu P, Sheng B, Luo S, et al. Image-based non-photorealistic rendering for realtime virtual sculpting. Multimedia Tools & Applications (SCI), 2014, 74(21): 9697-9714.

[68]   Liu Z, Qi X, Sheng B, et al. Image Enlargement Using Repetitive Component Multiplication. International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization. IEEE, 2014: 333-338.

[69]   Zhang Y, Lin W, Zhou B, Sheng B. et al. Facial expression cloning with elastic and muscle models. Journal of Visual Communication & Image Representation (SCI), 2014, 25(5): 916-927.

[70]   Fang X, Sheng B, Wu W, et al. Real-time depth-of-field rendering using single-layer composition. Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds (SCI), 2014, 25(3-4): 235-243.

[71]   Wu D, Liu B, Chen Z, Sheng B. et al. Cloud computing in electric vehicles charging control and dispatch optimization. International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing. IEEE, 2014: 597-600.

[72]   Lin W, Chen Y, Wu J, Sheng B., et al. A New Network-Based Algorithm for Human Activity Recognition in Videos. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology (SCI), 2014, 24(5): 826-841.

[73]   Sheng B, Sun H, Magnor M, et al. Video Colorization Using Parallel Optimization in Feature Space. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology (SCI), 2014, 24(3): 407-417.

[74]   Li Y, Sheng B, Ma L, et al. Temporally Coherent Video Saliency Using Regional Dynamic Contrast. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology (SCI), 2013, 23(12): 2067-2076.

[75]   Sheng B, Sun H, Wu Y, et al. Parallel iso/aniso-scale surface texturing guided in Gabor space. SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Technical Briefs, 2013: 1-4.

[76]   Yu K, Wu S, Sheng B, et al. Layered depth-of-field rendering using color spreading. ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and ITS Applications in Industry. ACM, 2013: 77-82.

[77]   Xue W, Xing D, Lin M, Sheng B et al. Depth-of-Field Rendering with Saliency-Based Bilateral Filtering. International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics. IEEE Computer Society, 2013: 399-400.

[78]   Lin W, Chu H, Wu J, Sheng B. et al. A Heat-Map-Based Algorithm for Recognizing Group Activities in Videos. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology (SCI), 2013, 23(11): 1980-1992.

[79]   Xue W, Zhang X, Sheng B, et al. Image-based depth-of-field rendering with non-local means filtering. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops. IEEE, 2013: 1-6.

[80]   Xu H, Zhou Z, Sheng B, et al. Fast vehicle detection based on feature and real-time prediction. ISCAS 2013: 2860-2863.

[81]   Sheng B, Meng W, Sun H, et al. Sketch-based design for green geometry and image deformation. Multimedia Tools & Applications (SCI), 2013, 62(3): 581-599.

[82]   Wu S, Yu K, Sheng B, et al. Accurate depth-of-field rendering using adaptive bilateral depth filtering. Proceedings of the First international conference on Computational Visual Media, 2012, 7633: 258-265.

[83]   Ding S, Huang F, Xie Z, Sheng B, et al. A Customized Framework to Recompress Massive Internet Images. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (SCI), 2012, 27(6): 1129-1139.

[84]   Lin Q, Sheng B, Shen Y, et al. Fast Image Correspondence with Global Structure Projection. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (SCI), 2012, 27(6): 1281-1288.

[85]   Zheng R, Sheng B, Ma L. Example-based image upscaling using parallel texture synthesis. International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing. IEEE, 2012: 710-715.

[86]   Sheng B, Lin X, Ma L, et al. Non-Photorealistic Virtual Sculpting on Graphics Hardware. Advanced Science Letters, 2012, 10(1): 486-490.

[87]   Li P, Sun H Q, Sheng B, et al. Image stylization with enhanced structure on GPU. Science China Information Sciences (SCI), 2012, 55(5): 1093-1105.

[88]   Shen Y, Lin X, Gao Y, Sheng B, et al. Video composition by optimized 3D mean-value coordinates. Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds (SCI), 2012, 23(3-4): 179-190.

[89]   Lin X, Sheng B, Ma L Z, et al. Seamlet carving for shape-aware image resizing. Science China Information Sciences (SCI), 2012, (5): 1073-1081.

[90]   Zhang Y, Lin W, Sheng B, et al. Facial expression mapping based on elastic and muscle-distribution-based models. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2012, 57(1): 2685-2688.

[91]   Chen J, Xie Z, Sheng B, et al. Motion deblurring from a single image using gradient enhancement. International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and ITS Applications in Industry (VRCAI). ACM, 2011: 293-300.

[92]   Li Y, Xie Z, Sheng B, et al. Seamless image composition with coherent tone adjustment. International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and ITS Applications in Industry (VRCAI). ACM, 2011: 149-154.

[93]   Sheng B, Sun H, Chen S, et al. Colorization Using the Rotation-Invariant Feature Space. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications (SCI), 2011, 31(2): 24-35.

[94]   Sheng B, Meng W, Sun H, et al. MCGIM-Based Model Streaming for Realtime Progressive Rendering. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (SCI), 2011, 26(1): 166-175.

[95]   Meng W, Sheng B, Lv W, Wu E. Differential geometry images: remeshing and morphing with local shape preservation. Visual Computer (SCI), 2010, 26(1): 51-62.

[96]   Jiao S, Sheng B, Sun H, et al. Furry stylized texel-rendering in images and videos. International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing. IEEE Press, 2009: 861-865.

[97]   Sheng B, Sun H. Efficient deformable geometry image-maps. ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST). ACM, 2010: 93-94.

[98]   Yang M, Sheng B, Wu E, et al. Multi-level tree branch modeling and animation. 11th IEEE international conference on computer-aided design and computer graphics, 2009: 96-99.

[99]   Sheng B, Li P, Sun H. Image-Based Material Restyling with Fast Non-local Means Filtering. International Conference on Image & Graphics. IEEE Computer Society, 2009: 841-846.

[100] Sheng B, Sun H, Yang G, et al. Furstyling on angle-split shell textures. Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds (SCI), 2009, 20(2-3): 205-213.

[101] Sheng B, Zhu J, Wu E, et al. Lumiproxy: A Hybrid Representation of Image-Based Models. Journal of Computer Science & Technology (SCI), 2009, 24(3): 578-587.

[102] Sheng B, Sun H, Liu B, et al. GPU-based refraction and caustics rendering on depth textures. International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and ITS Applications in Industry. ACM, 2009: 139-144.

[103] Yang M, Sheng B, Wu E, et al. Multi-resolution tree motion synthesis in angular shell space. International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and ITS Applications in Industry, ACM, 2009: 47-52.

[104] Meng W, Sheng B, Wang S, et al. Interactive image deformation using cage coordinates on GPU. International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and ITS Applications in Industry. ACM, 2009: 119-126.

[105] Sheng B, Wu E, Sun H. Sketching freeform meshes using graph rotation functions. Visual Computer (SCI), 2008, 24(7-9): 745-752.

[106] Sheng B, Wu E. Image-Based Model Reconstruction Using Textured Planes.  International Conference on Image and Graphics. IEEE, 2007: 1004-1009.

[107] Sheng B, Wu E. Progressive Streaming of Irregular Meshes Using Geometry Images. Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007: 560-571.

[108] Sheng B, Wu E. View-dependent mesh streaming using multi-chart geometry images. ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology. ACM, 2007: 245-246.

[109] Sheng B, Wu E. Topology-Consistent Design for 3D Freeform Meshes with Harmonic Interpolation. Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2007. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007: 121-132.

[110] Chi X, Sheng B, Chen Y, et al. Simulation of autumn leaves. ACM SIGGRAPH, Poster, 2007: 36.

[111] Sheng B, Wu E. Walking into Images: Virtual Plane Mosaics for Plenoptic Modeling.  IEEE Virtual Reality, 2007: 187-194.

[112] Sheng B, Wu E. Laplacian-based Design: Sketching 3D Shape. International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2006, 5(3): 59-65.


[01] 曹鸿吉, 盛斌, 吴雯, 吴恩华. 基于改进K-Means的腹内脂肪自动定量检测算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 20中文17, 29(04): 575-583.  

[02] 姜旭东, 盛斌, 马利庄, 申瑞民, 吴恩华. 基于自适应延迟切割的三角网格布尔运算优化.软件学报, 2016, 27(10): 2473-2487. (2016-08-09).

[03] 谯从彬, 盛斌, 吴雯,马利庄. 基于运动分割的视频去模糊. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2015, 27(11): 2108-2115.

[04] 殷本俊, 陈燕, 李华婷, 吴雯, 盛斌. 基于Morlet小波变换的视网膜血管分割. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2015, 27(07): 1263-1270.

[05] 杨溢, 盛斌, 吴雯, 马利庄. 基于矩形波谱分析的图像显著性检测. 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2015, 42(01): 1-8. (2015-01-04).

[06] 沈洋, 林晓, 谢志峰盛斌, 马利庄. 交互式前景抠图技术综述. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 26(4): 511—519, 2014

[07] 迟小羽, 盛斌, 杨猛, 陈彦云, 吴恩华. 秋季植物叶子表观的模拟. 软件学报, 2009, 20(03): 702-712.

[08] 迟小羽, 盛斌, 陈彦云, 吴恩华. 基于物理的植物叶子形态变化过程仿真造型. 计算机学报, 2009, 32(02): 221-230.

[09] 盛斌, 吴恩华. 虚平面映射:深度图像内部视点的绘制技术. 软件学报, 2008, (07): 1806-1816.

[10] 蔡宇文, 盛斌, 马利庄. 优化分割的手绘图像彩色化技术. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2013, 25(06): 774-781.

[11] 张璐, 盛斌, 马利庄. 分区域去运动模糊.中国图象图形学报, 2013, 8(04): 467-475.


2010 Utrecht Short Stay PhD Fellowship China and India—Joint Research Project “GPU-based Motion Synthesis and Footstep Animation” (Mentor: Dr. A. Egges & Prof . Mark Overmar

国家自然科学基金面上项目    主持
国家高技术研究发展计划 (863项目)     主持(子课题)
国家自然科学基重点项目  主持(子课题)
国家自然科学基金青年基金   主持

上海市浦江人才项目     主持

Shanghai Pujiang Scholar (2013)
SJTU "Morning Star" Research Award (2013)


2014 Intel Asia Innovation Summit, Best Poster Award

2015 Computer Graphics International (CGI 2015). Best Paper Award


实验室DeepDR团队获得ISBI 2018眼底图像智能读片全球总决赛中夺得视盘检测第一,黄斑中心检测第一

Associate Editor, IET Image Processing (SCI  IF: 1.044  CCF推荐SCI期刊), 2015.07-

Guest Editor, IEEE Transaction on Computational Social Systems,  Special Issue on “Advances of Social Media Analytics for Behavioural Healthcare Systems: Theory, Methods and Applications”

担任国家自然科学基金委员会通讯评议专家;IEEE/ACM会员。担任国际重要SCI期刊IET Image Processing (IF="1.044)编委, IEEE ICCV, ACM Multimedia, CVPR, ECCV, CGI,CASA, CVM等多个国际重要会议的TPC成员,Unity虚拟现实全球教育顾问委员会委员, 在Nature子刊及IEEE Trans.等主流刊物和会议上发表虚拟现实与人工智能相关论文百余篇。中国计算机协会(CCF)多媒体技术专委会委员、CCF计算机辅助设计与图形学专委会委员。

任上海市“智慧医疗”一带一路国际联合实验室副主任,韩国成均馆大学客座教授,香港应用科技研究院(ASTRI)顾问专家,曾先后在美国UC Berkeley大学, 美国佛罗里达大学, 英国帝国理工学院, 东京大学,香港中文大学,香港大学,澳门大学,澳大利亚悉尼大学,澳大利亚墨尔本大学,新加坡南洋理工大学等国(境)内外重要会议和学术机构做特邀报告。


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